The barn where I board uses those metal saddle racks that dent the panels. I know about saddle mattresses but frankly don’t want to spend $165.
Anyone have other ideas?
An old half pad or a memory foam cushion with an extra saddle pad placed on top
Did you attach it somehow to the saddle rack? Really don’t want to wrestle with pads and etc falling off when I pick up the saddle. It’s heavy enough as it is (Schleese are so heavy as a generality)
Yoga mat!
I have the thick foam insulation that goes on water pipes. It wraps around all the metal piping.
You could also duct tape a saddle pad to the rack so it doesn’t slip off…
I have a version of this, but instead of foam insulation it’s an old pool noodled sliced open and then duct taped on. Not the prettiest but cheap and effective!
Pool noodles is what I came to say also
Thick yoga mat and duct tape.
Yep, I used a pool noodle too. Then I have a Mattes pad under the saddle. I don’t use the Mattes for riding, so it just provides a little extra cushion on top of the pool noodles.
A bareback pad works great for this, and you can rig up a way to use the strap to secure it to the rack.
that’s what I have in my trailer
I know you don’t want to spend the $$$ for a saddle mattress, but they are really nice.
Well here’s a $55 one
Dura-Tech® Padded Saddle Rack Storage Cover | Schneiders
But I DIY made something similar myself many years ago. Sadly didn’t take any photos. But I essentially bought some 2" foam cushions, shoved it in a drawstring bag, slid it over the metal bars, and tightened the drawstring.
Thanks all. I found pipe insulation on sale at Walmart today and will cover the metal bars with it.
I bought a Tether Shield Panel Guard and like it. I linked it in another thread a few years ago before purchasing it and the designer posted a message about it. Since buying a few months ago the price has gone up.
My barn’s tack room has the typical metal racks and I’ve tried pads and pool noodles but they were a PITA; this thing works great. Saddle Mattresses are nice but are made to fit specific racks. If you change barns and the racks are differen’t it won’t work. However they’re really nice to customize your own tack room with your barn’s name and colors.
Came here to recommend this! I actually just bought these for mine.
I use a thick western saddle pad.