Protective Vest/Kidney Belt

I recently had my kidney removed and now that I only have one left I am nervous about riding without any type of protective gear. I do not jump, flatwork only. Does anyone ride with a kidney belt or can recommend protective gear that is lightweight and comfortable?

Kiki_Cush, I can’t recommend any protective gear but I have lived most of my life with one kidney include when I was younger and then later in life as a re-rider.

Other than being aware that if I came off, would want to protect my abdomen, really never gave it another thought.

As a re-rider, I never got on a horse without a helmet so I didn’t take personal safety lightly but, for me, didn’t overly obsess over the missing kidney (or rather, desire to keep remaining kidney “safe”).

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I am 30 years post donating a kidney and have been riding every year since and have a small farm. I remember asking the surgeons repeatedly about riding and they had zero suggestions except wear a seat belt and don’t play football. LOl
There is nothing you can wear that will protect your kidney but you can ride sane, sensible horses.

Please remember the most dangerous thing any of us do everyday is drive your car, that is where you should be focusing your energy ,in driving safely and owning a safe car plus of course always ,always in a seat belt.

So enjoy your horses , don’t get fat or drink a lot or have a high protein diet and you should be just fine.

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I ride with the Airowear Outlyne vest. It’s comfy and was easy to get used to. [h=5][/h]

Good advice.

I was told;

No black diamond ski slopes (would never happen)

No Motocross racing (not a problem)

“Don’t be a cowgirl” which upon further inquiry meant “don’t ride bucking horses or bulls in the rodeo” (not a problem)


No skydiving (I’ve done it once and don’t feel the need to do it again).

I don’t look as if I am likely to play football, that’s probably why they didn’t mention that one. :smiley:

They would prefer that you did not fall from horse height but most all of us have done so without damaging a kidney.

If you are really worried, don’t jump for awhile. I think once you become used to the idea, it won’t worry you as much. You’d be surprised how many people are running on one kidney. :yes:

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I think a few of the eventing vests available today would offer some protection to your kidney…at least the upper 2/3s of it. I wear an Outlyne vest and took a slow speed fall when my mare stopped, and propped over a 2’9" jump last April. I hit the soft sand footing on my side and managed to bruise/lacerate my left kidney. I spent 5 days in the hospital. Now, that being said, I hit just right and just the right speed. My belt buckle, which was on my hip because I had side zip breeches on, is most likely the culprit that caused my injury. The vest covered my upper kidney. My surgeons all said not to worry about riding again.