My daughter bought a horse at auction with a huge mass on the side of his fetlock covered in something as hard as horn. He was sound but covered in scars so it was obviously from an old injury. The first vet had us rub hydrocortisone on it. A year later another vet told my daughter to cover it with Desitine (the stuff for baby rash) and wrap it, which she did. The horny stuff came off leaving a horrible bloody mess underneath.
The third vet pushed panic bottoms suggesting it might be a sarcoid, and if it was, we would have to take him to the nearest vet hospital , 300 miles away. He did a biopsy to make sure. It was proud flesh.
We waited about two months chasing him for his “treatment protocol”. He said to do nothing.
After the vet cut it off, the growth quickly grew to about the size of an orange and really ugly. Currently it is scabbing over.
I just got a new farrier who told me, “proud flesh is treatable”. He sent a picture to a vet he knows in CA and suggested I get Wonder Salve, which is on its way.
What I read about PF Wonder Salve is that you do not cut the proud flesh off - you just apply. Has anyone had any experience with treating something this far along?