Proximal Suspensory Surgery Advice - Updates at end

A quick update on Venture. He was first at Pine top HT this winter, and we just went to Area III Championships and he was second in BNH - CH division. Some pics are here, Awards are at, page 19 – bottom little fat Bay is Venture. I could not be more proud. It has been such a long road…I am so proud of him.

Congratulations!Keep up the good work.

My project horse is still at liberty, but has survived a move to a really good galloping field which includes a hill. Maybe this fall.

Just curious to see how everyone is doing? I’m slowly bringing my guy back again ( vet said I should get owner of the year award for sticking with him) finally back to canter but so scared of adding jumping to the routine. Part of me says I should find him a non jumping home and move on while the other is saying maybe he can do it??? Ironically ultrasound show same stuff pre surgery so now I’m wondering if he really had suspensory issues at all! When did you all add jumping back to the routine?

Anyone deal with hind suspensory with a fracture? I have one on first 60 days of stall rest only. Because of his age, my limited pockets, and extent of injuries I am aiming and hoping for pasture sound as I am just doing rest, no SWT etc.

I thought this paper was interesting in giving one a detailed perspective on the rate of healing :

Sorry Omare about your horse. I’ve only dealt with the ligaments. I wish you the best for your guy! Thanks for linking that report. I find it interesting that stem cell, PRP and shock wave are given little support for treatment. Of course I threw the whole thing at my horse when he was diagnosed and in the end I really feel (if he continues to hold up) is the tincture of time helped him the most. The initial vet and surgeon said I would be back competing in 6 months. Well it was actually close to two years before i could start legging him up. If I had to do it again I would stall for the necessary time, then small turnout and then a year out on a hill 24/7 and not look at them till that year was up. I now believe that you cannot rush these injuries.

On the jumping front, I waited a year to jump Venture again post surgery. We really were lucky and had no setbacks during rehab. I spent the most time just trotting, months of it. Moving up to canter was stressful, did that for the summer, then started jumping in the fall. It was another year before I had him back in Beginner Novice level height (I think? its been awhile). For what its worth he will never be more than a Novice level horse, schooling some Training. more because I am content there than anything else…

The vet doing the surgery knew that I was open to never jumping again if it wasn’t the right thing to do. He said that jumping was most likely never the issue, and that based on the low level I was doing he did not expect an issue. Those first few jumps were nerve wracking though, just like starting canter again was.

We went the surgery route after all else failed, and it was 100% the right decision for us.

Thanks, I never had any prior experience with these types of awful injuries.

(And I am not sure how up to date the article is as to the alleged neutral results of doing that something extra to help them heal. But I thought the healing rate and the timeframe for the formation of type III and type I collegan interesting.)

Been a while, but I do have some good news. First, I’ve gotten out of the dressage-mania and while I’ll still do a bit of dressage, Feronia and I are having FUN with a lot of other stuff. We’re back to lessons with the jumpers trainer, though I am afraid to jump her anymore. She’s getting trailered out for stuff a lot more and other than not liking to ride in the trailer by herself, she’s enjoying it.

Soundness wise, there have been a few ups and downs. Her left hock is in the process of fusing, which explains some of her crankiness. She is better after hock injections and once the joint fuses she won’t need them, and should be a lot more comfortable. She also whacked her RF again in late February, resulting in another bone bruise. Vet suggested IV Tildren to help stabilize the bone structures, and that helped a lot. She now wears splint boots for all riding (except when showing.) The vet is on-board with putting her on robaxin and prevacox for the winter to keep her more comfortable.

I did go in a barn schooling show on Sunday – the first show I have done since she went lame in October, and she gave me a lovely Intro C test (71%) and an almost as lovely Training 2 test (65%). This was a few hours after a morning hand-walk around the show area where something set her off and she remembered that there are some hot hot hot Morgans in her pedigree. It was basically like handling a palomino kite and I almost scratched her from the show. I’m glad I didn’t as she certainly redeemed herself, and other than being a little “up” (normal for her at a show), she behaved herself.

thought I would revive this thread and see what has been happening!
I rode the Princess (slowly) till she was 10 months pregnant. On 22nd Sept 12pm and the Equinox!) she had a lovely healthy chestnut colt. Not the ideal time for a baby to be born with the cold wet weather coming but he has a selection of rugs handed down from other peoples foals who have outgrown them and is a happy bouncy chap. I have ridden the Royal One a couple of times in the school (with a friend leading the diddly one round) She sooooo wants to be ridden - but loves her baby too. Will scan at weaning and see where we go from here. Its hard to restrict her to dressage and “sensible” hacking but nothing is worth risking a re injury - will see how the fibre alignment is and how the scan looks generally. BUT shes sound and happy and has a GORGEOUS child .

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Great Moosie!! congratulations. Hope Jr. stays civilized and kind.

thank you Vicarious - not so sure about “civilized” - lol - I expect the teenage years may well be “interesting” as he has no other foals to play with, simply a very tolerant aunty and a somewhat “aristocratic” mother! his father has a beautiful temperament, as, seemingly, do his offspring, so its down to me to enforce the rules. Todays exploration by way of attempting to chew the electric rope were thwarted pretty quick when I actually switched the power on so its fair to say he learns fast as he didnt go back for another nibble!!!

How is your horse now - and everybody elses horses? Be good to hear outcomes

Moosie, thanks for reviving this thread!

I’m having a lot of fun with Feronia these days. Is she 100% sound every day? No. She is mostly sound, most of the time, with (expensive) maintenance. Good shoeing has made a huge difference. Her left hind hock is in the process of fusing, which causes the occasional ouchy day, but no serious trouble.

I fired my dressage trainer during the summer, because there’s no reason for me to pay someone who makes me cry at every lesson! I’ve found someone else I like much better; I have to trailer out, but the other HUGE accomplishment of this year is – thanks to a lot of expeditions – a mare who’s happy to get on the trailer and go places. I school dressage minimally – once or twice a week – and try for one lesson a week. We may be done showing, because I don’t enjoy it that much.

So… we trail ride a lot. Do some pole work, jump over small logs in the woods, have short gallops in the big field behind the barn. One thing about this girl, she LOVES to go, and it’s sad she didn’t stay sound enough for eventing (though I might not have been able to event her, because she gets HOT HOT HOT on cross country.) We have gone on a beach ride for the first time ever, and she was very good given how scared she was of the ocean at first (she is not fond of water, and water that chases her is ultra-scary!) We have done a judged trail ride, which was a lot of fun (she went All Morgany on me – was hot but well-behaved.) We’ve tried our hand at obstacles, which was fabulous for the busy little Morgan brain, and are doing more of that on Saturday.

Seriously, I will keep patching up this little horse until she tells me she is done – which hopefully won’t be for a long time. (And the next one? Will be a Morgan too.)

Moosie, congrats on the foal! Any pics? Venture is a homebred, we had several when I was younger at my parents farm, he is the last of that era. Have fun with the baby! I miss the young ones!

I have DOZENS of pics lol :smiley: - but how do I put them on here?

ahaa - now I have discovered how to do it you WILL REGRET THE FORTHCOMING OVERLOAD :smiley: lol!!