Proximal Suspensory Surgery Advice - Updates at end

think I had better stop for now :smiley: (you can scroll through the last one and get LOADS!!!)

Your FB link says it is unavailable :frowning: :frowning:

Your young man is VERY handsome.

merrygoround which ones cant you see and I will try and fix it!

It says itā€™s unavailable. So other than the photos you posted Iā€™ve seen nothing.
can you see this one - think its fbs privacy settings (not very good at this computer stuff :smiley: )

OMG, Moosie, look at that chrome! Adorable! You are one lucky dogā€¦

no idea where all the chrome came from - not from mum or dad thats for sure :smiley: wouldnt mis him on a dark evening in the field lol!

Moosie, that baby is just too cute!

One or both parents could have the Splash gene and just not be expressing it. (That happens a lot.)

Meanwhileā€¦ Here we are in our first ever versatility round. (Video starts at 1:15 because before that, we were arguing about whether the gate was going to bite her.) We ran out of time so we didnā€™t complete the course, and yes I made a LOT of mistakes, but it was fun and she was really trying for me. (We have all winter to work on things like gates!)

thats great :smiley: goooooooo Feronia :smiley:

thats great :smiley: goooooooo Feronia :smiley:

Hi all. Iā€™m officially a card carrying member. My lovely 17.2 eventing mare has a partial distal lateral suspensory tear with an apical sesamoid avulsion fracture. Whew! We are newly diagnosed. She received her first shock wave treatment and will get PRP. My vet is consulting 2 other veterinary surgeons on whether the avulsed piece of bone needs to come out. We are doing 10 days of Succeed and 3 grams a day of Bute along with omprazole as I donā€™t need any more problems. She is on limited turnout but am thrilled she isnā€™t confined to a stall. Quietann linked me to this thread when I started one and wondered how you all were doing. I am heartbroken as she is a very sweet girl and only 9 years old. I am hoping to return her to lower level eventing or at least jumping but know that is a year out.

Cindy ā€“ I should update, since I pointed you here.

Feronia is doing quite well. After my last update, I did try jumping again, only tiny stuff, and it only took a few weeks for her to tell me that she just isnā€™t sound enough, though the problem appeared to be her right front (her weakest leg) rather than the LH that had surgery in 2010. So we are done with that, which is just as well.

I moved her to a new barn in Mayā€¦ one that is a full-service dressage barn (not DQ full service, but excellent care, well-maintained facilities and arenas, trails access etc.) that had an opening for a horse that could live outside 24/7, in a small dry lot with a shed. Well Iā€™d been feeling guilty about how much she was stalled at her former barn ā€“ about 18 hours a day, and I had to fight to get 6 hours per day of turnout ā€“ so I jumped at the chance. It has been a very good decision as she is less stiff and just plain happier now. She has way too much arthritis for a horse so young (16 going on 6!) and being outside so much is good for her.

I only did one show this year but it was one I really wanted ā€“ the Vermont Morgan Heritage Days. We did a couple of dressage tests and tried sport horse in hand and a couple of rail classes. It was fun and we got a lot of attention as she was the only ā€œcolorfulā€ Morgan there. Denny Emerson even posted a photo of us on his Facebook!

Other than that ā€¦ lots of trail riding, one dressage lesson per week, taking her to fun stuff (de-spooking clinic this weekend), and just enjoying her.

Im riding the orange princess but not at the speed SHE would prefer (lol) - sometimes I think it would be better to let her go faster (and fasterā€¦) rather than restrain and suffer the repeated boings which get higher and higher until I make her return to walk (which, strangely, is always a perfect well behaved march!). So far the leg appears fine (xxxxxxxx everything) and am planning a bit of dressage this winter. She would dearly like to, at least, do some 20 milers but am afraid to risk as she just doesnt ā€œdoā€ steady canter!! - and I have another horse to compete endurance onā€¦ but its not the same as HER!The baby is 12 months old - maybe I will see if I can put a picture on here :smiley:

Yes to pictures :yes:

always! :smiley:

CindyCRNA jingles for your girl :yes: :yes: :yes:

Absolutely time for a new picture of your future dressage horse. Gotta be dressage,
otherwise all that chrome would be wasted.

Yes! Pictures! And I am glad to hear that the queen is doing well. I just saw asignature line that you would love. Hang on and Iā€™ll find it.

Stolen from Lolykoi-ā€œHell hath no fury like the chestnut thoroughbred mareā€ - now will this come out I wonder? can anyone see it or has the fb privacy settings stopped it being visible?