PRP...for humans

I have chronic peroneal tendonitis in my left foot. It has been very much aggravated since I hurt my back last year and had some weakness in that foot which allowed super over supination (my term since I already over supinate:lol:). It was some better until I had surgery for the bulging disc and the surgeon wanted me walking 2-3 miles per day which I dutifully did. Now it is really bad.

I don’t think there is any surgery that will fix it. I am having trouble getting an appointment with the foot surgeon. The one that did surgery on the same tendons (both torn) in my other foot is semi-retired and I am having a hell of a time as the receptionist keeps wanting to give me an appointment with the podiatrist in that office. Just NO! There are 2 other ortho foot surgeons and I would see either one of them. She said Dr. Coughlin (the semi-retired one) has no appointments for the rest of this YEAR (granted not that long but it would probably be February).

I was wondering if anyone has had PRP done. I am ready to give it a try. I guess I am not knowing where to start in searching out a practioner that can do it. From my research, it does help a fair percentage of people with this problem. It is most frustrating. I get one thing fixed (the back is doing well) and another one pops up. I can barely tolerate to hobble around (in my cam boot) at at the barn on the uneven ground. That really has me frustrated:grief:.


A girl who grooms for me had her ankle broken in a horsey (not mine!) accident. She swears by how much the PRP helped her and says the difference is night and day. She really advocates the stuff for humans and for horses, and my horses that have been treated with it seem to share her opinion.

I’ve had multiple PRP injections in my hips, and it’s allowed me to avoid surgery on the right side. Highly recommend! The only negatives are the cost (not covered by insurance) and the possible pain flare following injection.

Not all docs who use PRP stay up on the literature and it’s a rapidly changing and evolving tool, so be sure to find someone who’s staying current and not just phoning it in.

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Very interested in this as I also have chronic tendinitis in my foot