PSA Romaine Lettuce Recall

For those that don’t visit the off topic forum;

If you are immunocompromised (diabetes, chemo, other autoimmune dz) or care for the very young or very old, you should be aware of this.

I have really been missing my Caesar Salads. My grocery has no romaine lettuce at all right now. The CDC has recommended that people like me (I have MS) just don’t Romaine at all for the foreseeable future due to the repeated outbreaks linked to Romaine lettuce. Somehow a Caesar salad just doesn’t taste right using another type of lettuce.

Since so many of us dumped the iceberg for romaine years ago, we have not revisited. Time to revisit.
Roquefort or Caesar dressing has enough flavor to make the blandness of the iceberg recede and the crispness become the most important feature. Not the same, but it works when combined with a finer lettuce.:wink:

Yes but iceberg has so little nutrition there hardly seems to be a point. :slight_smile: Maybe try with mixed baby greens.

Definitely no nutrition, that’s why most of us dumped it, but baby greens won’t stand up to Caesar dressing, or Roquefort.

For a person who really wants Caesar salad but can’t use romaine, a mixture of iceberg and baby greens will hold up to the dressing, instead of the tender baby lettuces becoming a sad little clump under the weight of the dressing . :slight_smile:

Yep - romaine is a tough one to replace. For both texture and taste (and crunch). But I still prefer Iceberg for a chef salad. Maybe I just need to make my own little garden and plant some romaine lettuce!

There you go! Unfortunately it is winter, but if you are a person that is capable of making a garden, that is a good plan.:yes: I am not capable and never have been. Some people have it and some people don’t. I don’t. :o

I feel your pain, missing Romaine. Terribly unwise to chance it though. We’ll muddle through.

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Well, I meant next spring regarding the lettuce garden. And no green thumb here either… unless its growing weeds. That I am an expert at! :lol: