Psoriatic Riders: How Do You Manage It?

I was originally diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis but last year the diagnosis was changed to psoriatic arthritis even though I have no skin plaques. My thumbs are fusing and my hands have become quite painful. I live in the southeastern Pennsylvania area. Is there anyone in this area who can recommend a good university rheumatoid physican? Also, what things do you find have and have not helped you?

I have Psoriatic arthritis and my hands and feet are the worst part. It is my understanding that that is where it hits the most. It has been difficult to treat as I am very sensitive to medication and a lot of the drugs I could not tolerate. I am on a combo of Plaquinel and Indocin right now and it is helping. My dad also had it and it was very well controlled with whatever meds he was on and he remained pretty active until eighty.
Keeping as active as I can has been beneficial, even though I sometimes have to push to do it. You are doing right by looking for a specialist, I do not live in that area so unfortunately I can’t help with that. What I CAN do is send you a bunch of jingles that you find a good rheumatologist and get a good treatment plan initiated :slight_smile:
Heat helps my hands and I have a foot warmer/massager that helps my feet a little. I do our dishes by hand as using my hands in hot water helps too.

Cayuse, thanks for the input. I have not heard of Indocin as a treatment. The last Rheumatologist I went to wanted to put me on Humira. Fungal lung infections are not uncommon with this drug and since I am in an old barn for a good portion of the day I was afraid that I would get one. They are nasty and can be fatal. My records are being sent to a university hospital now and hopefully I will get an appointment soon and be on my way to some relief. Best wishes to you.

Have you been tested for Lyme? I was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis, treated with prednisone and methotrexate for 6 months before I was correctly diagnosed with Lyme Disease.