PT hurt me..wwyd?

I have a wonderful PT, a man. Another PT in the practice, a woman and my former main PT prior to my hardware/capsular release surgery a week ago, wanted to see “where I was” in my recovery. Yesterday, she took over during my table stretching time. She’s always been pretty aggressive, but yesterday she hurt me. I said “hey, that move hurt!”, but nothing more.

My shoulder has not hurt since surgery, other than the pain of incisions/healing wounds. Now, it hurts again in the same spot it ached every day since my injury, even with vicodin on board. I’m feeling like I just took a huge step backward and am frightened that she undid my healing. Or am I totally off base?

Who do I talk to? My guy PT?? He is sort of the senior guy there. Do I mention it to her, too? I’m not the most “forward” of people, more a suck it up and take it kind. I should say, my guy PT is fabulous and I really like him, he is just more gentle than Lady PT.

Tell the Senior guy there.
But do it very diplomatically.
Sounds like the gal got a bit ambitious with her work.
I sincerely hope it gets better soon. I fell on my right arm and it jammed the arm bone up into my shoulder and it took 2 years for it to heal.
In winter it still acts up. So what to do. Live with it I guess.
regards, sadlmakr

I would definitely bring it up to the main PT and explain it just like you did here. You have a legitimate concern (I’m not saying that she did any harm since I have absolutely no experience with what you’re going through, just that you have a good reason to be worried), and it would be worthwhile to know whether to avoid her in future appointments.

exactly what was suggested!

You may also want to speak with your surgeon and see if he wants to evaluate you as well. (If what she did has put you back on your recovery and you will need more pt than originally projected, you should not have to pay for it.)

I had this happen after one of my surgeries. Ankle was feeling pretty good after a lateral ankle reconstruction. I loved my PT. One day she decided to let a newly hired PT work on me. I felt she moved too fast and had me doing exercises which were too agressive for my treatment. My ankle was very sore and puffy after the session. The next session was supposed to be with the new PT again. I called my regular PT and told her my thoughts and that I only wanted to be seen by her. She understood and took my observations very seriously, and went back to lighter PT exercises at the next session.

Let the senior guy know that the stretching hurt, and you’ve been having lingering pain for several days. You may also want to contact your doctor and ask their advice.

But (having gone through a lot of PT myself) sometimes it just hurts. And it hurts like heck. My personal trainer (a former PT) told me when I said to him “isn’t PT supposed to make me feel better?!” he said “Look, honey, LONG term you feel better. Short term it hurts. Making muscles grow and get strong hurts.”

Not saying you don’t have a legit concern, because I did have one PT a while ago who thought I was mostly a cry baby. Kicked that jerk to the curb.

I guess give them the benefit of the doubt when you approach the issues. PTs have to be pretty good people readers, and gauge when a person’s pain level is a legitimate warning sign or they just have no tolerance and pushing through it will make things better.

Hey Calvin, my PT is VERY aggressive in my opinion and I don’t think I’m wimpy. She told me that if she hurts me DURING therapy that is to be expected, if it hurts AFTER we’re doing too much. You have had a long road with this injury, be your own best advocate and speak up. I know it’s uncomfortable to be the squeaky wheel but you want to get better so all of us shoulder girls are riding by fall!!!

Well they say PT stands for Pain and Torture so some pain is to be expected. My guy only stops if he sees tears. That said, I trust him completely. The few times I had to see someone else in the office I was not happy. He did not hurt me but didn’t feel like he helped me much either. I don’t know if I would tattle on the other person but would make sure to stick with the person you like even if that means missing some sessions.

Well they say PT stands for Pain and Torture so some pain is to be expected. My guy only stops if he sees tears. That said, I trust him completely. The few times I had to see someone else in the office I was not happy. He did not hurt me but didn’t feel like he helped me much either. I don’t know if I would tattle on the other person but would make sure to stick with the person you like even if that means missing some sessions.[/QUOTE]

Ditto, I avoid PT do it my own way at my own pace.

Explain it to the senior guy just like you did here.

Depending on where I am in the recovery period I expect a fair bit of discomfort up to a day or so after a session. I’m paying them to help me get stronger and better, and I work hard at it. A little soreness is a sign I’m working. :slight_smile:

Everyone has a different level of tolerance, however, and there is such a thing as overdoing it, so talk to the senior guy. Be diplomatic.

Good luck. :slight_smile:

I’m one week out from surgery to remove a big screw and to release the capsule/arthroscopy the joint for scar tissue. I expect pain/discomfort during, but they’ve told me no sharp pain after–bad, bad sign.

I talked with the Lady PT when I arrived…it was just the two of us, as I had a late session today. I explained that after she stretched me, I hurt. Showed her where, said that I’d not changed anything at home. She was apologetic and we looked at my xray. She feels that since my humerus is no longer smooth (I have a bump where the breaks did not line up post surgery) that that is probably causing pain when I stretch up close to my ear.

Took it really easy today, light stretching to see what the ROM is and where/if it hurt. She was great! So glad I asked all ya’ll what to do. Taking it “easy” for today and tomorrow. I see my Dr. on Friday for stitch removal and xrays.

glad things went better this time calvincrowe.
i’m a week out from shoulder surgery too and started PT monday with the simple stuff. going again today.
i hear the capsular release is a buggar but they are fairly aggressive with the pt so prevent the same thing happening again.
best of luck with your recovery!