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Puppy Containment ideas!

So my little lab mix has been escaping, pretty much his whole life. He’s almost 1 year old. He was crate trained (or working on it) when he managed to escape his crate, and from that day forward would rip his teeth out and have serious anxiety about being contained in a crate.

So I’ve started baby gating him in the spare room. He jumps, so he had two gates: one 36in gate in the lip of the doorway (so he can’t push it down) and one 36in gate staggered behind the first one, but higher up (and not in the lip of the doorway).

Well, he has figured out which one is not in the lip and will either push or pull it down, and then jump out. He’s really good about not making a mess, but I still don’t trust him enough to leave him out. If I close the door, he will chew it, so that isn’t an option.

I’m thinking of ordering this: http://www.houzz.com/promo/45536845?m_refid=PLA_HZ_45536845&device=c&nw=g&gclid=CIHr3srUhMsCFVAYHwodktEDWA

and setting it up inside the room, so he can’t get enough of a running start to jump but he also isn’t crated. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

You could try a folding security door like this one if he is big enough to be contained by it.


Can you do the 2 gates on top of each other in the door frame? If you need to, what about putting anchors in the frame and screwing in eye bolts that can prevent it from being pushed out or pulled inwards.

How about an ex-pen, exercise pen that is. Some are over 4-feet high and come in varying widths/circumference.??

I thought of the ex pen. That will be my next move. I can’t screw anything into the door frame because I’m renting so thats my VERY last resort. So far he has been out in the house with no issues but he is still young. I ordered a scat mat to put in front of the gates (which I did already have stacked on top of each other) to see if that will deter him from knocking it over.

Thanks for the ideas!

Today, my 4.5 lb foster puppy somehow escaped from his 4 foot x-pen. I’m not sure how he did it, the gate was still securely closed… so it was either under or over he went. He will now be crated until he goes to his new home. Which I hope is soon…

I have seen people use these inside:


The ones I saw were 4’ x 4’ x 4’ and had a wire top and were used to keep escape houdinis confined.

When my Tibetan Terrior was a puppy she climbed out. Because I thought this unusual puppy behaviour (not for TT’s I found out) it didn’t occur to me another breed would climb a 4 foot barrier! All dogs are inventive and sometimes we don’t give them credit.

OP, where are you? I have an Ex Pen which we just finished using. It is back in the box and ready to go to the next puppy owner. I would be glad to loan it or sell it to you (cheap). It is 4 feet high. You can configure it into a circle-ish shape or use it like we did to block off a large area of a room. It has an in/out gate if you need it (if it is in the circle shape).

It is like this: http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/midwest-homes-for-pets-journey-exercise-pen-48-in-h

It might be a little bit larger – it has 8 panels.

I am in Upstate SC.


OP, where are you? I have an Ex Pen which we just finished using. It is back in the box and ready to go to the next puppy owner. I would be glad to loan it or sell it to you (cheap). It is 4 feet high. You can configure it into a circle-ish shape or use it like we did to block off a large area of a room. It has an in/out gate if you need it (if it is in the circle shape).

It is like this: http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/midwest-homes-for-pets-journey-exercise-pen-48-in-h

It might be a little bit larger – it has 8 panels.

I am in Upstate SC.


If that is not enough room, you can put two of those together.

OP, where are you? I have an Ex Pen which we just finished using. It is back in the box and ready to go to the next puppy owner. I would be glad to loan it or sell it to you (cheap). It is 4 feet high. You can configure it into a circle-ish shape or use it like we did to block off a large area of a room. It has an in/out gate if you need it (if it is in the circle shape).

It is like this: http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/midwest-homes-for-pets-journey-exercise-pen-48-in-h

It might be a little bit larger – it has 8 panels.

I am in Upstate SC.


I’m in Northern VA. How much do you think it would be to ship?

He’s being really good. I’m still waiting for my scat mat but so far hes just been sitting on the couch til I come home from lunch. My other dog is with him (all she does is steal shoes) and I think that might be his motivation for getting out of his room. I like to keep them separated just because the girl gets a little frustrated with him and I don’t want anyone getting hurt.

Exercise pens are great but…my new rescue has figured out how to lift it up and go under it to get out. If it’s outside you can use stakes to keep to secure but not possible in a house. I originally bought it for my other rescue - he was totally respectful of it and we never had a problem. So it kind of depends on the dog… :).