Purchasing/transporting a horse from Canada

She’s looking good. :grinning:

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Fifteen months, fifteen hands! She looks good and paused to look at something, so finally a decent picture to share. I can’t believe how much they change!


That is a substantial filly you’ve got there! She’s lovely.



Look at that bone! :heart_eyes:

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She is a big lovely thing, isn’t she!? I’m so pumped. I know my farrier and vet hand out compliments to clients as a way to keep us happy, but they both say really good things about her and pet poor Libbi on the nose as a consolation :laughing: Libbi normally gets all the attention because of her fancy socks.

Here is Volley’s sire a couple weekends ago, his leaser took him into a handy hunter type class.


She looks like an easy keeper. Is she?

Yep, she gets 1.5 lb TC Balance and some flax and vit E, and a negligible amount of hay at night, pasture during the day. At a good weight, unlike her big sister in a grazing muzzle with the same diet and being ridden and still chunky :rofl:

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She really is a lovely type. Two good looking mares!

It’s a shame her father seems to have no talent, though. She probably inherited that. You should send her to me, so you don’t have to look at her and be sad about it.


Ha I went through all the emotions reading this :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I would be sad, yes, maybe you are right