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Question about a chip

I have a cat, Dickens that is about 8. I have had him since he was about a year old. He was chipped and already neutered when I got him. About a month later, someone called and said ‘I have your cat.’ I replied, ‘no, he is sitting on my lap.’ So I have wondered if they misidentified him when he was chipped. Anyway, I had to take him to the vet recently, and it occurred to me to have the vet check his chip to see if the info was correct. It wasn’t. She wrote down the chip # for me, and the name of the company he was chipped with. I came home and looked it up, and sure enough, the info was all wrong. They had a wrong name, and no owner info at all. I sent them an email about 10 days ago, and have had no reply. Should I have him rechipped? What should I do in this situation?
I know COTH will have an answer.

Yeah, I’d get a new chip but I am also a fan of tags. Info immediately at hand and no trip to the vet needed.


Just register the chip in your name, and correct the pet name.

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they did not respond to me

Register it at the multiple “register any chip” registries. Like:




Etc etc.


Get an account on whatever site it is.
Then try to register the chip again. Then call. They should be able to help then, you may need the vet to call them also

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