Question about congress reining

the duck run … oh the duck run. How silly that looked. shudders

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:lol::lol::lol::lol:…heard that called the potty run by a couple of judges.

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That’s a better name! Potty Run --I first saw it at our local 4-H club show when a girl who shows Congress scooted across the ring --there were actually some comments made about “did she hurt her back riding? Is that why she runs like that?” --after the class (which Congress girl won) she told all the other 10 year olds that “is how it SHOULD be done if you want to win at Showmanship!” By the next class, there were a bunch of potty runners --I saw my granddaughter practicing like that at home with her showmanship horse. She told me “Debbie said we HAVE to do it that way!” --nothing I could say would change her mind, but FORTUNATELY her trainer who knows Debbie and her horse well (and the trainer has many peeps at Congress --not us, we are not THAT into showing) --explained to Granddaughter she to move in such a way to make her horse look good --and running like a duck wasn’t doing that. Because Granddaughter listened and worked like a Trojan with her plain little dun gelding, she beat Congress Debbie more than once in Showmanship --Congress Debbie --like a lot of little girls, would get over confident and ignore her trainer (who was paid to attend shows with her). GD did her best each time, listened to what judges told her, and like every Disney Story, won now and then --but the Disney Story ended this summer --GD who is now 18, lost complete interest in her little dun gelding and told me to “sell her stuff” because she plans to “never ride again.” The little dun will finish his days in my big pastures keeping company with another retired horse . . .where’s Disney when you need him? Oh, and GD isn’t a prima dona --her goal is to own and manage a humane swine operation and she’s in college now to earn an agricultural degree that will make that possible.

@Foxglove Of course I do! And I was showing amateur then and I had these fabulous Anderson Bean boots in a mustard yellow! Hubby said he’d pay me to duck run. And then when I didn’t he said I looked like a duck anyway!

But even the duck run was better than when I was a kid and it was the vomit run! Your free hand went tight to your midriff and you bent over. Well I didn’t LOL

She will come back at her own pace. Keep the dun happy for her! I hope she is successful with her dream.

Shame the copy the cruelty as quickly as they do the potty running and tape on boots. Have you seen this site on reining.