question about eye glasses

I have a damaged nerve in my right eye. The pupil does not contract appropriately when exposed to light. I inadvertently discovered that wearing sunglasses with only the right lens greatly increases my comfort while driving. Do any of you know if I could have glasses, mirror ones, made with one clear lens and one dark. I am thinking if that was possible it should help me greatly with my riding over fences!!! But I can not ride with just one lens…too odd.

A friend that wears corrective eyeglasses had an injury to one eye by a sliver of metal.
After that healed, he was first wearing a patch, then needed to still have protection later from light, so the optometrist ordered lenses with one more opaque than the other.

You may want to ask your eye doctor about this and get a prescription for the right kind of correction and tint you need.

How about getting prescription glasses with only one lens made of the Transitions material (that darkens when exposed to light)?

What about a tinted contact lens for that eye?

I like the idea of transition lenses…eye will not tolerate contacts.

I like the idea of transition lenses…eye will not tolerate contacts.[/QUOTE]

I have some Transitions, and they do not darken while driving. The UV filter in the windshield prevents them from darkening like they do outdoors. I have Rx sunglasses just for driving (cheap Zenni Opticals).

I see you already have some Zenni glasses (I have a bunch of pairs - love them!).

What about ordering two pairs of Zenni’s - one tinted, one not - and just pop out the lens and swap them? (then you also have some back up frames)

Why not just go to an eye glass place such as ABBA and talk to someone face to face with what your needs and restrictions are and see what they can do for you that will work for you…

I have a damaged nerve in my right eye. The pupil does not contract appropriately when exposed to light. I inadvertently discovered that wearing sunglasses with only the right lens greatly increases my comfort while driving. Do any of you know if I could have glasses, mirror ones, made with one clear lens and one dark. I am thinking if that was possible it should help me greatly with my riding over fences!!! But I can not ride with just one lens…too odd.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely you can.

I’m an optometrist, and while it is not common to have two different lenses in an eyeglass frame, you can very easily do so.

Do you know if there is a specific tint or color that you seem to like best? Most offices should have samples of their tints that you can look through and see which one feels the most comfortable.

Whichever you choose, make SURE you have UV protection on your right eye. In general, you should have polycarbonate lenses which are more impact resistance than other materials in order to protect your left eye from any trauma. Thankfully, polycarbonate automatically has a UV filter built right into the lens. Of course, you want to protect BOTH eyes from UV light; your good eye is just as important.

I just ran across this post as I was seeing if any other riders have written about eye issues. I have the same issue as you after a jumping fall! My pupil is a “tonic” pupil and stays around 5-6mm all the time which increases glare. My neuro-opthamologist just put me on Alphagan P which has been found to decrease pupil size. I used one drop for the first time yesterday and my pupil became a normal size in 20 minutes! Today, one day later, it is still smaller than usual but I can tell it will likely get bigger. then I will use one more drop. You may want to see if this is something that is an option for you. I haven’t had any negative side effects. Hopefully as my third nerve continues to regenerate my pupil will get back to normal on its own, however, at least there is something I can do if it doesn’t.

I had a horrific fall and the fact that I am down to a pupil issue is a blessing. I believe my helmet truly saved my life. And yes, I am riding again.

Good show! I had major injury to my brachial plexus about 13 years ago, and can tell you that nerves keep growing for a long time, maybe forever. I have some functions that will never return because of the extent of the damage, but lots of things have gotten a lot better and continue to improve.

walktrot you are correct. Nerve regeneration happens and can go on for years. It is also agonizingly slow. 1 mm per month for cranial nerves. But, they do regenerate. I notice improvement little by little and I’ve come a long way. When I get frustrated I try to remember one month post accident and remind myself how far I’ve come. Sometimes I talk to my horse about it when I’m grooming him. He gets it. :slight_smile:

My new Transitions lenses DO get dark in the car, which is great. And they get VERY dark. I still think it’s a pita to wear glasses, but having Transitions helps, and I really do enjoy seeing things and being able to read! :slight_smile:

FYI this heartbreaking thread is about the accidental death of the OP not long after starting this thread…