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Question about "Not presenting"

I was doing a Novice course and after Jump 10 I was supposed to veer right towards my next jump. With an awkward landing off Jump 10, I accidently went left into the woods, and was now on the Training level track. Realizing my mistake, I avoided the Training fence, did a big loop to the right and circled back to Nov Jump 11, continued my course and finished in the ribbons. If I had not read through the rules, I would have thought heading to the Training jump, crossing my path and circling back to my fence would have meant that I was “off course” and E. Luckily my detour wasn’t very long and I was within time to recover.

@Janet, it was the AECs, 2006… i remember because it was my division, Training Rider… we were at Carolina Horse Park, and the second water had you jump in down a bank, make kind of a big loop around in the water, exit on the far side of the Advanced (I think) down bank in, and then continue around full 180 and over something as you exited the area. I have lots of pics of me doing this…
There was a rider on a horse who I think had run Rolex (big wave Dave??) - she jumped the T drop in, and then turned early and jumped OUT the Advanced bank in. I have no idea if this was on purpose or not as I didn’t actually see it live, but lots of folks I knew did - that water was the main spot for spectators as it was hard and close to the finish.
That was a DR as I recall, or maybe an E? I don’t remember what rules were in place then. But we were all kind of gobsmacked…

Thanks for having the details.

I’m pretty sure there was also an incident at the 2019 AECs where someone jumped an upper level fence backwards and got a DR penalty. I remember discussion about it here at the time.


So a freind of mine’s trainer just got back from Chatt and her student was eliminated on CC for jumping a jump a level up from hers. I said that was because you cannot jump a jump a jump higher than the level you are jumping. She said the trainer said you can only call “not presenting” at a water jump but cannot jump a jump at a lower level and then come around and jump your proper jump in order. Say I call not presenting to a BN jump , jump it and then continue on in order on my novice course. I want to make sure this is correct because I am interpreting the above convo that this is ok to do.

I suggest you check the rulebook.

If there is a rule that says "you cannot jump a jump a jump higher than the level you are jumping. " I have not been able to find it.

You CAN be eliminated for “Dangerous Riding”, but there is nothing that says, or even suggests. that “jump higher than the level you are jumping.” is dangerous.

OR, if you jump the higher jump, and DO NOT also jump the correct jump, then you will be eliminated for being off course.

There is nothing in the rule book about “calling ‘Not Presenting’”

Any time you intend to jump a jump not on your course, you should discuss it with the TD beforehand,


You can jump any flagged jump without penalty as long as you jump your division jumps in order. There’s nothing in the rule book that’s says you will be eliminated. However, jumping a jump backwards like previously talked about in this thread, of any height, can generally result in a dangerous riding penalty, warning, or yellow card at an FEI.


Riders mostly yell not presenting to make their intentions clear, but you can yell anything you want and a clear stop is still a stop.

I see it mostly at water entrances for the lower levels, and at Training or Prelim when the horse has to drop into strange water and is green at the level. I sometimes see it at other fences. I even saw it at the AEC this year when a rider trotted into the water, circled, then trotted the drop.

Janet is spot on about the rules. Remember volunteers often aren’t experienced (although usually they put experienced people at water and ditches) and it’s important that the riders know the rules.