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Question about trainer rides at shows

As long as the judge scores and records the trip under the correct number it’s NBD as long as it only happens occasionally. Generally it’s in those open card situations with a schooling round and two division classes or two schooling rounds and a division class( one reason why rareds limit the number of open cards).

A good gate person, judge and sharp office staff can and do keep track of such things and it’s rare for it to result in a repinning. Also rare for a repeat, judge does not have to score it-it’s a PITA.

At small unrateds with volunteer help? Good luck with that. That’s why you need to check your bill to make sure you don’t pay for somebody else’s trip.

I’ve also seen people flip a number over and use a Sharpie to write the horse’s correct number on the other side.

Yeah, and that’s fine long as it’s the correct number. Lot of the rated shows run for 5 days and with Pro warm up rides during the week then kid/Ammy rides on the weekend? You can misplace a number. Doesn’t help some clients allow their trainer to handle every detail including getting the right number on them…often they don’t even know what their back number is. Or give a rats hinney.

Like others comments, number belongs to the horse not the rider.