As a true child of the 80s and 90s, I have many thoughts as to what is happening in our sport horse world. I remember being a teeny kid and US was the best. We won everything in show jumping!
When I finally started riding, I was one of the lucky ones. I started at a local barn with some crazy things that we all had to try to figure out. The dirt was my friend and challenges were second nature. Made animals were something that I sometimes got to ride, nothing I ever owned.
Now too many people start at show barns. It is all about playing it safe and never about riding. Its making it pretty and smooth. There is no such thing as riding off the seat of your pants anymore. Sure, these kids can ride lots of different made, prepared horses around. But can they handle a stopper? A spook? A spaz?
From the moment I started riding in the late 80s, to the boom of my show career throughout the 90s(98 was my last jr year) no one ever taught me a crest release. And I was fortunate enough to have experiences with many different trainers. I read about, knew about it, and asked about. But was told it was wrong.
My first trainer(small and medium ponies, when I was ages 8-11) just told me to reach to the ears. And that was all I did over the jumps, try to touch my ponies ears. Hey, I guess it was better than catching them in the mouth!
At 11 I got a new trainer and started doing the A-circuit. From medium ponies to Jr jumpers, this trainer and I did it all. And for everything I did, the answer was “press your knuckles into the neck” “Let your hands support your upper body”. This trainer just recently had an old star from the 70s working for her. And when she schooled her over fences, she would tell her to stop doing the auto and to crest release instead.
But ya know, the trainers aren’t REALLY the ones to blame. Anyone remember the letter about how lazy the kids in America are? THAT’S the problem. When I decided I wanted to know how to do a shoulder-in, I got a book out and read an article and learned to do it. My next lesson was “look what I learned Jane!” When I had a question on how to make horse bend better, jump better, anything, I asked all the professionals I knew and anyone I respected, tried a bunch of different things, and learned.
Now we are all robots. We do what we are told and nothing more. And we don’t ask why! We just do. And we can’t do anything new without asking how first…riding is no different. Keep the ammy’s happy, be cautious with the kids, don’t push too hard…making the customer happy is all important. And we tell, they do…kids at my old barn barily even ride without lessons…and you think they are learning new things? No, they are just going through the motions.
So after 11 years of showing and 2 years as a pro, I quit. I started working at the mall, stopped taking lessons, stopped showing. I flatted my horse a ton, jumped a little…took a look at the show world from the outside for the first time in 10 years.
I hate it. I really do. I loved it then, but I hate it. I feel for anyone else who grows up on it, as I did. Its all fake, processed, a long assembly of the same thing over and over. All little robots, forced into the same thing, all on horses who have been forced to go the same way.
How do we fix? I don’t know how, in this time when showing and winning and money are all that matter. Perhaps it will slowly evolve back into itself as it evolved out of itself. One can only hope…