Question for ya'll... (including mods)

This part of the forum is titled “Equestrians with Disabilities” which makes one think it involves very serious health issues. And that certainly is the case for many. However, I wonder if we might get more posts and “traffic” here if the name were “health issues” or something like that. I felt a little silly posting about my bunion under “Equestrians with Disabilities” since what I have is fairly minor. But since it was a health issue, I thought I would post it here. I think some folks may shy away from “Disabilities” whereas “health issues” seems more welcoming. What do you all think?

I agree. I have a back issue that I’ve found some info here but I don’t think it rises to the level of a disability.

I think it is a great idea. I have disabilities. But mine don’t compare to some other people on here. Good riding is about being fit. Maybe this should be changed to the fitness and health forum.

You could PM the Moderator, link on the bottom of each forum page.

They love input.

Good point. I hesitated to post about my injury here because thought it was insentive / insulting to compare being out of action for a few months to living with a permanent disability.

This place was great when I had my hip labral surgery, but I had to search for it and never would have thought about posting here because of the name.

Thanks for the prod guys. I’ve been thinking this forum could use a name tweak for a while, based on how it has evolved. Changed it to “Riding with Health Issues” to limit things to issues that relate to one’s ability to ride. Other health issues are welcome in OT.

Mod 1

That is a better name than I had in mind which is something along the lines of Broken horse people.

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That is a better name than I had in mind which is something along the lines of Broken horse people.[/QUOTE]

Yabbut, that’s actually perfect! :lol:

Or “What did you break now?” Or “You didn’t listen to the doctor did you?” Or probably the most accurate is “How long until I can ride again?”

Or “What did you break now?” Or “You didn’t listen to the doctor did you?” Or probably the most accurate is “How long until I can ride again?”[/QUOTE]

I was hoping we could keep it equestrians vs. riding. Some of us who have disabilities and other physical challenges drive instead of ride, and some don’t do either. Equestrians vs. riders was the subject of a lot of discussion the last time the forum name was changed.


That is a better name than I had in mind which is something along the lines of Broken horse people.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like great name for a rehab ranch. Sort of like Broken Wheel Ranch (“Fury”) for injured horse people. Not sure what the brand would look like though! :smiley:

I was hoping we could keep it equestrians vs. riding. Some of us who have disabilities and other physical challenges drive instead of ride, and some don’t do either. Equestrians vs. riders was the subject of a lot of discussion the last time the forum name was changed.


Let the Moderator know, they want to know.

I was mighty surprised to see that the name has changed!!! I hope we will get some more “traffic” now. Thanks all!!!

Sounds like great name for a rehab ranch. Sort of like Broken Wheel Ranch (“Fury”) for injured horse people. Not sure what the brand would look like though! :D[/QUOTE]

That would be easy- a broken stick figure!

I like the new name. Thanks!

I also like the name change.

I also, in general, dislike the term ‘disabled’ as I consider myself abled, just differently than everyone else :slight_smile: