Question on images/permissions

Okay, two questions for whenever I might have time:

  1. We have book discussion threads all the time- is it generally permissible to scan and post a picture of the book cover? I see this done in book reviews, for example- but in this case I am talking books ‘of a certain age’ (mid 20th C).

  2. If I wanted to crack into my old Chronicles (again, of a certain age, as in the white paper ones) and randomly post old articles or photos for fun- who at COTH should I go to for permission? I assume I should ask each time…

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the delayed response!

We don’t think posting the book covers should be an issue.

Posting articles should generally be fine too. Just drop a quick note to Sara Lieser to let her know when one will be appearing.

Thanks so much!
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