
I didn’t see a place for suggestions, but I was wondering if this BB had the capability to add a “feedback” function…where users could get positive feedback (kind of like a thumbs up) on a post. I am on another BB that has such a function, where you can get a green light and a little comment on a post you’ve done. I just think it would create less drama if people could agree with others more privately en mass rather than post “you’re right, this person is wrong” all the time.

Or would that in itself create MORE drama? LOL.
The BB with such a capability also has the “red light” negative feedback function as well…that is something I’m sure we do NOT need here.

Just a question, a pondering…


Our software does allow for that option, though it’s not something we’ve enabled as yet. I’m not sure off the top of my head if you can separate the positive and negative review functions, but it’s definitely something we can look into.

Thanks for the suggestion!

If anyone reading this thread has any comments, feel free to weigh in. :slight_smile: