My horse had her eye removed in July due to a persistent infection and scarring. She’s adjusted quite well and the stitched skin healed amazingly. Two questions:
I know that my horse needs something to make sure she senses an obstruction on her blind side so I’ve kept a fly mask on. I’m using the most sheer mask I can find to minimize loss of night vision. I’m sorry, there’s no way that standard fly masks don’t hinder their sight on a moonless/overcast night.
But the flip side is that the sheer masks are not durable enough.
I feel like there has to be something I could attach to a breakaway halter that would do the same task-- provide a tactile input when her head gets too close to an obstruction on that side. I know they have halos for blind dogs-- is there anything out there y’all know offor horses? Thought I might try short sections of pool noodles on an oversized halter to create a
2" cushioned “frame” around that part of her head.
Or I dunno, maybe a fly fringe would be enough.
Second question-- now that the eye socket has fully healed, it’s really sunken in, and collecting lots of dust /skin dander-- especially with a fly mask on all the time. Any tips on how to care for this? I have a small very soft brush, but she’s leery of letting me brush in the socket and I can’t get in there to do anything effective. I haven’t tried running a sponge over it, but not sure adding moisture is a good thing anyway.