Just got back from Midwest Draft Show at MEC and came away with a couple questions for those who drive this type of hitch.
I love watching them all, especially the 6s & 8s.
Can I say: :eek::encouragement::applause: to those at the lines of those ginormous multiples.
With all respect, who can tell me:
1-Why the whip carried by the assistant in the 6s (or 8s) has a lash that doesn’t seem as if it could reach more than maybe the butts of the Wheel horses.
How is this intended to be used
I ask as a ADS-ish Pleasure Driver who has been taught that the whip must have a lash that can touch the shoulder of the farthest horse in the hitch. And that it is used on the shoulder or barrel only.
2-Style(tradition?) aside, why would a Lady Cart Driver choose a dress so short there is serious risk of I See London, I See France?
Especially since the carts’ suspension, coupled with the huge power in the strides of the horses gets you to bouncing & bracing your feet as a necessity.
Aside: the upper body strength these ladies show has my utmost respect :yes:
TIA for educating me.
I admit my Bucket List now has two items added.
*Drive a full Draft (I have - briefly - had the lines of a Draft Cross in my hands).
Friend with a Percheron mare might help me cross this one off
*Hold the lines of a team, 4 or - dare I even think it? - 6 or :eek: 8.