We had husband’s horse recently tested b/c he started acting spooky and tense in the arena and we couldn’t figure out why. This was after a recent really cold spell so we thought maybe it was weather related but since we had a vet out for other things, decided to pull.
Results came back as:
OSPA: 46 Negative
OSPC: 46 Negative
OSPF: 2612 Positive
Also pulled for EPM but those results aren’t back yet.
I’m still waiting to talk to the vet, but her VM said that means he’s positive for chronic lyme which means he’s likely had it in his system for awhile.
Are these levels enough to explain the behavior we’ve been seeing, though that’s only been recent? What are other symptoms of lyme?
We’ve been trying to rehab him for a couple years now–we know he has RF coffin issues–and in the past few months had finally gotten him back to moving pretty well (did Renovo, Noltrex, Zycosan, hock injections, new farrier). For a long time he kept swapping lameness on different legs, which I’m seeing could be another symptom? We just assumed it was related to foot issues.
Weight is good. Muscles are great (he does have tendency for some back soreness although we’ve already checked saddle fit).