Apologies if there is a better location for this post.
I have an older model County Competitor (16.5 #2 tree if that matters for any purpose) that has been used lightly by both myself and the previous owner. It’s in surprisingly good shape for its age, but I’ve heard good things about these saddles holding up well.
Anyway… it’s been in storage for a while not being used, and I see the curved side parts of the panels are looking a little lumpy/wrinkled. The back panels still look perfectly shaped and solid, this is the curved side parts under the flaps. I’ve not dealt with this before so I have a few questions…
Is this something I need to address before using at all? If it were the back part of the panels I wouldn’t even think about it, but this is not really a weight bearing area.
Does anyone have any idea the cost of reflocking just this part of an older saddle? Either locally or sending out? (I’m in MA) I have looked over and over and I don’t see anything remotely wrong with the majority of the flocking, just these side flaps, so I think it would only need to be partial. I’m assuming based on the age of the saddle and the feel of it that this is wool or some combination thereof.
Oh, and if it matters, I have used it on various horses in the past so it has never been fitted to anyone in particular-- but I am part-leasing now-- at some point will try this saddle for fit-- if it works, I would be fine with it being done to fit him if that is a factor… but I’m not sure they’d need to do an actual fitting if the back isn’t being redone. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks in advance!