quicker way to delete posts?

is there something on the search feature where I can search older posts quickly without having to go through entire old threads?

Don’t know, but until someone knows better, could you narrow your search to certain key words and so have less to wade thru to find what you want to delete?

Sorry to hear you have such problem, that is always sad to hear.

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Hi there,

Using the advanced search, you can limit the results by a date range and by who posted (you), which could help narrow things down.

Let me know if you need further help.
Mod 1

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Also: In search results, there’s a link in small print under each result that is “go to post.” If you click that instead of the thread title, you’ll go directly to your post, instead of the first post on the thread, and you won’t have to scroll through the entire thread to find your posts.

Thanks everyone, my before-work activity of deleting hundreds of posts is somewhat therapeutic! Forum by forum seems the best way for me to filter out what shouldn’t be online!
@Moderator 1 - thanks!

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