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Quiet young horse

I’m so excited for you!!! My buckskin had black tips on her huge ears, and when we went trail riding she would relax and they would swing. Entrancing. :heart:

On the original topic… JJ was hard for me to get really forward. She still looks like a plow horse at liberty, but has pepped up a ton under saddle. She was better with my trainer than me, because it turns out 6" of leg difference confused her. :joy::rofl: However, she now gets to do medium trot as a reward, so she wants to go and is way more sensitive and well behaved.


The guy I bought is also quiet but a bit more sensitive under saddle. Maybe the original horse in question would have also been very similar in another 60 days. But this guy seemed a safer bet soundness wise. They actually are very similar personality wise. But of course after everything I’ve been through soundness and health are kind of top priorities!


Congratulations on your new horse! What a cutie!


Congrats! He is adorable.

So happy for you that it worked out with this really cute guy. Yes I love buckskins too!!

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OOOOH! So cute! :heart_eyes:

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