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Quiet young horse

Good luck!

I did want to give a thought about the fee on the other horse - how much do the owners pay the trainer for looking after you/showing the horse each time you go out? I suspect the quality of the horse has no bearing on that fee.

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I donā€™t think they pay her in that way honestly, the trainer told me it was to ward off ā€œbad experiences.ā€ But it doesnā€™t matter. It just really surprised me. I know this can be common and like the hunter world but I havenā€™t found it to be common in the dressage / eventing /western disciplines. At least not for my budget.

Either way, horse #2 was farther along and pretty dang fun so Iā€™m glad I went to see him. I will wait to go see horse #1 again if this guy doesnā€™t vet well (but he seems more structurally sound than horse #1)


Well horse #2 vetted extremely well. Waiting on 5 panel but itā€™s basically a done deal. :slight_smile:


:raised_hands: glad to hear the vetting went well! How exciting for you!


We DO require pictures, when youā€™re ready :wink:





Love him! I need to find the same thing :pray:


He was with a barrel racing trainer so I really was looking everywhere!! Ha ha

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Yes I would have guessed that with his breeding :grin: I am keeping an eye on the barrel horses in my area, some of them are pretty nice movers! But also find the prices on the nice ones go well up into 5 figures pretty quickly too.

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Awwwww is he a buckskin ? Heā€™s a lovely chonk!


I rode a mare for a friend a few years ago, racing bred as well. Iā€™m not sure what her actual bloodlines were but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they had some blood lines in common. She was a super cute mare, really enjoyed dressage. She was a bit on the sensitive side and a little bit spooky. But a good girl and tried hard. I feel like this gelding is like just the male version of that horse.

But because of his sensitive nature I got him at a decent price. I really just canā€™t imagine him ever being a good barrel horse. I think it would have been way too much pressure on him. I think that he is going to enjoy dressage and find some comfort in it.

Good luck Rulex! You will find your match too.


Yep heā€™s buckskin!


Oh my goodness he is so stinking cute!!


Pretty color AND a sweet face, congratulations!

Oh! a BUCKSKIN!!! nyyyce! I rode mine under my coach today so she could give us some more instruction toward ā€˜cowboy dressageā€™. Iā€™ve been training him on my own for about 5 months and weā€™ve apparantly made some decent progress. Hopefully coach can free up a two lesson slot for me and i can trailer him in with my mare weekly so we can work on getting him ready.
We put four horses through under me today in three hours (well 4 under saddle then a little bit of stranger-danger work with my mustangsā€¦(not very successfulā€¦LOL)

anyhowā€¦buckskins. Love their look. i love bays the most, then buckskinsā€¦


Canā€™t wait to hear all about him ! Whatā€™s his name? :heart: His ears lol. Years ago when I was trying my horse I couldnā€™t stop staring at his ears which my trainer yelled at me for ha!


His name is Lynx. Iā€™m a sucker for the ears too. Itā€™s hard not to find them adorable!

Heā€™s super sweet I canā€™t wait to get to know him better :slight_smile:


Oh Luna! Iā€™m so happy for you. I hope everything works out.

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He is adorable! Good luck with him!

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