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Racing Photos

Can anyone help me find photos of a horse named Stonecoldbroke?

Here’s his record (click results): http://www.equibase.com/profiles/Results.cfm?type=Horse&refno=4508979&registry=T

For the races that are wins, you need to look at the track, date, and race number. Call the track, ask for the photographer, and if they still have the win photos from that far back you should be able to buy them if you provide the date and race number.

In general:

  1. Go to www.equibase.com
  2. Type your horse’s name into the search box in the upper right hand corner.
  3. It will take you to a horse profile page. There will be a tab that says “Results.” Click on that tab to find out which tracks he won at and the race number.
  4. You can find the track photographer for each track on the track’s website under the “Horseman” section, or via google. Contact the track photographer and say you’d like to purchase a win photo from the track for race #___ on the date ____. Usually they will cost somewhere between $20-50 depending on the photographer.

Since your horse won his races 10+ years ago, I know for a fact some of those track photographers have changed. Charles Town is no longer done by the same photographer, and the former photographer has fallen off the face of the planet. It is unlikely you’ll be able to track down a photo from there.

This is the guy who does Aqueduct:

The guy you want at Pimlico is Jim McCue, and I’m pretty sure he was doing the photography in the early 2000s because that’s when I was living in the area and I remember him:

Jim McCue 443.463.8341 trkphoto@comcast.net