radial nerve palsy & tendon transfer--humeral fracture ?s

While radial nerve trauma isn’t uncommon after humeral fractures, my case appears to be all kinds of speshul. I was told on Monday to prep (mentally, emotionally, and financially) for tendon transfer in the spring because the guru docs are about out of hope that it’ll heal. For those that have had TT, can you tell me about the surgery, rehab, etc?

Secondary problem is non-union of primary fracture. 3 months s/p osteotomy, it is mostly healed, but a month prior to that surgery I popped a second fracture off the distal locking screw holding my intermedullary nail in place. Oops. But because the arm got completely opened, the gurus discovered the distal section of bone was majorly unhealthy due to having the blood supply pulled loose (likely happened 5 months prior in the initial trauma). That secondary fracture shows minimal healing at 3 months of reconnection to blood supply. It’s stable thanks to the snazzy new hardware, but whether it’ll ever heal is anyone’s guess. Docs not talking yet about what happens if it doesn’t heal or if bone doesn’t recover. Anyone been through this?

Any advice, words of wisdom or commiseration much appreciated.

My situation was different but I’ll share anyway. I was bitten by a bobcat several times on my right arm. The bites left my hand totally limp. I could not lift it or open my hand but I could close it. I believe it was my ulnar (sp) nerve that was severed. A super Physical Therapist made me a brace that fit on the top of my arm. On this brace he made a pulley type thingy and slings for each of my fingers. Rubber bands held each finger so my hand was open. That way I could close it and pretty much use my hand “normally”.

My Doctors pushed me hard to go the tendon transfer route, but before I took that step, I paid a visit to my Veterinarian :). I figured he had much more experience dealing with damage from bites than human doctors do. He encouraged me to just give it time and was pretty sure the nerve would regenerate. And it did, in 10 months. And my arm/hand is fine today.

Your case sounds much much worse than mine was, but I wanted to share that nerves can and do regenerate.

Thanks Patty.

Mine happened in surgery. Long story, but it got cooked…literally. Apparently heat is worse on nerves than just about anything else. I’m over 8 months from initial injury with zilch for return. We’re giving it 3 more months before repeating the EMG/NCS studies. But then if it’s still zero progress, I’m moving forward with surgery. I want my life back. I miss my horse. Hell, I miss my former bank account balance!

I have a cock-up splint to wear–similar to yours, but no pulleys so I have some hand use, but no typing, etc.



I’m guessing this is a pretty uncommon injury. I know when mine happened, all the medical personnel were very fascinated with it. My hand just hung, I couldn’t lift my thumb or any of my fingers at all. But once I had the finger pulley thingy on, I could close and use my fingers. Weird. If I remember correctly, when the nerves healed, it happened almost overnight. Several months of nothing, then all of a sudden my hand worked again. In looking back, I believe both my radial and ulnar nerves were severed/crushed.