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Raising a Glass to the Horse Moms Out There

My Mom passed away on Friday morning. She had a wonderful, full life and she is now at peace with my Dad, my late sister and all our wonderful pets who went before us. She was a city girl who happened to have a horse crazy daughter. She supported my passion from the minute I took my first riding lesson at age 7, to getting on board when I was 12 and found a $400 Thoroughbred racetrack washout in a classified ad in the Boston Globe about a million years ago. My best friend and I worked off board in our neighbor’s barn and the farm owner’s daughter helped me get involved with Pony Club, gave me lessons and helped make sure my very green OTTB and my very green 12 year old self stayed in one piece and learned ‘the pony club way’. My Mom drove my best friend and me and our ponies to shows and Pony Club rallies all over New England for years. She would also go to the barn to feed if I was held up at school. She never did master backing up the trailer, but she was a beautiful woman, so there was always a kind horse Dad who would step in to help. My own Dad was great, but horses weren’t his thing. But my Mom was always there, even with four other kids who she supported through sports and activities 100%. So to Pat Graham and all the other horse Moms out there who support our passion, help us rally after a tough day, run a towel over our boots before we go into the ring, and understand that horses aren’t just a passing fancy, I lift my glass to you with heartfelt thanks.


I’m sorry…she sounds spectacular!


What a wonderful experience! She sounds like she was a great mom and a good person.


Thank you so much for sharing with us @chai. Your mom sounds like a wonderful mom and a fantastic human. She gets a pass on not being able to back a trailer. She helped you and your friend too making memories and helping you two to become well rounded horse people.

I raise my glass to Pat!


I’m so sorry. She sounds like a wonderful mom. What a wealth of cherished memories she has given you. Tonight I’ll raise my glass to Pat.

I’ll join the toast :clinking_glasses:
So many Mom/Daughter relationships are forever thorny, @chai you were blessed & I’m certain your Mom felt so too.
Godspeed, Pat Graham & all the others.
Mine among them.


I’m sorry your mom has gone on. But it sounds like she left you with lots of happy memories and experiences. Hugs

What a testimonial to a great horse mom! I’m so sorry for your loss but I suspect you’ve done her proud again with this tribute. Toast held high for her!

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I love your tribute. My Mom says my youth of riding and showing were the best days of her life. It sounds like your Mom loved it too no doubt. You were so lucky as I was too. All of us with parents that allowed and fueled this passion.

My Mom is now sometimes resentful I don’t visit more now that my horses are home and leaving is tricky. I tell her it’s her fault! Buwhahahahaha! But by God what a gift they have given to us!

I raise my glass to Pat Graham tonight too!


I’m sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was one heck of a lady. A toast to her, and all the horse moms out there, who help us find the place we were meant to be, loving and supporting us the whole way home.

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What a beautiful tribute to your mom @chai. So sorry for your loss :heart:.

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It makes me sad in a way. After passing the wonderful things said. Did she know you felt that way?

Here’s to Pat! And all horse moms like her. I hope Mama will get to meet her up there – they would enjoy a good chat I think.
And here’s a hug for you in your missing her. Thank you for telling us about her.

Virtual hugs to you. I’m so sorry.

Beautiful tribute! I am so sorry for the loss of your mom and will raise a glass to her.

Thank you all for the kind words, and joining me to raise a glass to horse moms. ponygrandma, yes, I thanked my Mom many times for all those long, hot drives, carting us to horse shows. I was able to thank her again as we were saying goodbye.

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I’m so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing such lovely memories :heart:

I got to be a horse mom for my kids’ childhood, but they didn’t carry on, and the granddaughter hasn’t caught the bug either. I have (very slight) hopes for the grandson, but the itch to carry a boot towel is a strong one.

I’m sure she enjoyed being horsemom to you, Chai, as well as regular mom.