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Rambo -- Yay or Nay?

I used to be really into Rambos (and had two Duo sets and various others) but since Smartpack blankets now have a 10 year guarantee… I have switched. Rambo doesn’t cover anything but waterproofness, and for only 3 years.

Rambo: " We have such faith in our Aquatrans technology that we are prepared to guarantee that your rug will remain waterproof and breathable for a minimum of 3 year. The unique number of your Rambo® / Rhino ® MUST be included on the form to be eligible for the guarantee. This number is found on the inside of the front of the rug."

Smartpack: " 10-Year Indestructible Guarantee – the fine print:
We are so confident in the toughness and durability of the SmartPak Ultimate High Neck Turnout Sheet that if anything happens to this sheet within 10 years of your purchase, we’ll exchange it for a new one in the same size – no matter what! It’s that easy."

I had a Smartpack fly sheet rip this year and they shipped me a new one right away, no questions asked and they didn’t want the old one back.

Downsides with Rambos too are the fit issues - sizing, and also the lack of adjustability at the front - you can’t cinch down an 81" to fit a 75" horse like other styles.

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I wasn’t suitably impressed with the Rambo winter blanket I bought several years ago to buy any more. Instead I buy the SmartPak and Schneider’s with the 10 year warranty.

However, I will say my Rambo Flybuster survived two seasons of abuse from my big, itchy mare, and is still in good enough shape to serve as a spare. Pretty sure there is no other fly sheet on the market that would have held to a fraction of the abuse she has imposed on the Flybuster.

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After getting 2 replacement SP Ultimate sheets due to them really not being waterproof almost immediately plus replacement chest straps, I gave up with the Ultimates. I had a horse on 24/7 turnout and since the turnout sheets weren’t waterproof for more than a little bit of rain plus the fit/cut not being quite right, I started trying other blankets.

For the baby horse the Amigo Wug fit for a while until his chest widened a lot. He’s now in used Rambo blankets that I find on FB.

I’ve had good luck with them being waterproof so far! Just got a new one that’s on for the first time in a storm right now so we shall see.

From my understanding, part of inherent water repellency has to do with the way the individual fiber fabrics in the shell are tightly sealed together, creating a non-permeable surface that water beads off of. This is all fine and good – until a horse rolls in dirt. Once the horse rolls, dirt particles get in between each thread/fiber and these microinsults to the fabric result in loss of thread tension over time, resulting in waterproof/durability loss. Sand is worse than clay or dirt, so I’ve been told by blanket manufacturers. Repeated washings and long term sun exposure also impact the tightness of the fabrics.

Once this happens the fabric has lost its’ waterproofing forever, but you can supplement with waterproofing solutions like silicone or wax based sprays.

So how your horse exists in his blanket can certainly account for the variability across members with regards to waterproof durability and general blanket water repellency. I know I need to re-waterproof my pigsty gelding’s rain sheet once a year… but it beats buying a new blanket. Generally it takes the Rambos a couple seasons before I need to consider it; Pigsty’s blanket was 5 years before I needed to have it professionally rewaterproofed.


I really like the depth of the neck closure on Rambos. It give me the impression horses are able to lower their necks to graze more comfortably.


Interesting - I always wondered if my horse’s neck is just set extra low because every blanket looks so uncomfortable when she tries to graze. Maybe its just the fit of the blankets I use because people who know her always give me a funny look when I comment on her “low set neck” like they don’t really agree. Maybe I’ll have to try Rambo’s next!


I just cleaned out my tack storage and found some Rambos that are 20 years old. Still good. I think I found out about then that I could either buy a new turn-out every year or year and a half or buy a Rambo.


I have been very happy with my horsewear blankets. Last winter my horse wore a weathabeeta heavy weight with a detachable hood. The hood rubbed his mane out. I don’t have that problem with the detachable hoods on horsewear blankets.

I was lucky and found a lot on sale in the consignment section of my local tack store. The others I bought at the end of the seasons sales.

He was turned out with 2 horses who were jerks and would rip blankets. Mine all made it though that first winter he was with those horses. I was happy when those geldings left😉


I’ve loved my Rambos. I never had any luck with Amigos, though.

My horse once managed to remove his Rambo Optimo, separate the liner from the shell, and rip the liner in half (I suspect he had help from his boisterous turnout group). The shell had clearly been stomped on (it had hoof marks all over it), and it was absolutely fine. Not a rip or even a snag on it.

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My guys are all in horseware blankets. They fit well and are very durable. I like the Optimo a lot. I have it set up as a rain sheet in the fall and a heavy in the winter. They do run big. My guys who wear 81 typically wear a 75 and a 78 optimo.

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I think so- I’ve quit buying anything but Rambos, Rhinos and Amigos. Babies and destructo-bots get the cheaper ones, adult horses who keep their wardrobe nice get Rambos lol

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I bought my guy a Rambo sheet two years and find it to be not super breathable; too warm when the weather says he needs a lightweight. He also got a mane rub although it was towards the very end of last season. Thinking I might stick a liner on it and use it as a mid weight this year, so much less often. Need something lighter for sheet/light to mid weight.

Oh - it does shine up the coat, though :slightly_smiling_face:

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I scored one of the classic green with red straps Rambo turnouts second hand several years ago. It is a gorgeous blanket and the right size but the high cut neck is too tight on my big shouldered big Chested mare. I had to get the chest extender piece.

I got an Amigo rain sheet for a project horse last fall and it seems fine.


Like @Scribbler, I wound up with a classic green with red straps Rambo many years ago (came with a horse I bought). I sold the horse and kept the blanket. It was too small for my two big geldings, but when I sold my farm and moved my remaining “average sized” gelding to a boarding barn, I discovered that Rambo in the tack room and brought it with us. He wore it winter before last and its waterproofing seemed to be starting to fail. I went ahead and bought him a brand new one (same style) and a matching sheet as well. He’s wearing the sheet tonight as it might rain and is in the 40’s.

I love them. They fit him so well and they’re just made so well. It was a good investment.


Help with fitting a Rambo (or Rhino or Amigo) no-fill turnout? My mare has 2 (!) Rambo Supremes, size 75, both bought over 10 years ago, and they fit except for the neck opening, which is huge on her. She is narrow chested but has deep shoulders. But both are no longer taking re-waterproofing. Do the classic Rambos have a smaller neck opening? Wugs don’t work for her because they press on her crest.

Poor girl is getting towards the point where I will not be able to justify riding her anymore; arthritis and old injuries are catching up with her. But I want her to have a nice (and dry) retirement.

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Yes. The ones with the surcingles that run straight across will fit a little snugger (but not a ton). My stallion can only wear the style in your picture.


Thank you! I’m gulping a bit at the price, but just do not trust second hand turnout blankets to be waterproof, unless they are in basically new condition. I’ll check out the local rescue’s store over the weekend.

Second question: leg arches, yea or nay? I am thinking yea because she is old and creaky in her legs.

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Just found out that Performance Horse Blankets has all Rambo, Rhino, and Amigo blankets at 20% off until Sunday November 7 at midnight (not sure if that means Saturday night, or Sunday night.)


So, do your horses all wear their blankets all winter long, or do you get them all in and blanket them only when precipitation is predicted?