Random shooting pain from hip through leg....

Okay I don’t even know how to describe this really…I’m not the best at anatomy.

I will be walking…anywhere…in the house, at the farm, doesn’t matter… Going straight, turning (seems to happen more turning than going straight) and it feels like my leg is separating from my hip. I get an excruciating pain that makes me verbalize an “OUCH!” but if I put weight down and keep walking it will go away usually immediately. It feels like something pops out of place and then goes right back in. Instant 10 on the pain scale to 0. I can’t really google this, because I can barely put into words what is happening.

Only the right leg, never the left. I’d think the easiest way to describe is a dislocation of my leg? hip? not sure.

No recent or severe injury to the area ever…happens on days I’ve ridden or days I haven’t.

FWIW, dealing with autoimmune issues, nothing concrete in the diagnosis area of that though.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about? I mean, it HURTS. Like, I almost fall over in pain, but as soon as I move forward it snaps back and I feel normal again, like it never even happened.

I get that exact same thing. But I probably need a hip replacement so have thought it is related to that.

I have been perplexed, which is one reason I put off surgery. My thigh hurts more than my hip. I thought I had pulled something there, altho no doctor agrees. I have been reading the thread on hip pain, people talk about various things that could be wrong.

Good luck and if I get any input on that I will write.

I am no DR but it sounds more like something within your SI area, not so much your hips, which means more lower back,

I have issues in my L5-S1 area and I have the same problems at times, where all of a sudden it feels like my hip is going to come out and down I go.

A few things to look into (although being active in riding horses) Core strength, and using your hips properly will help, walking correctly, probably talk to a DR to get a PT referral to learn some stretching and exercises for the areas affected

also a classic symptom of labral tears - which i totally hope it isn’t.

Have you ever seen a chiropractor? Mr. Aorrowan is one and deals with issues like this all day. I have similar issues partly due to too many hours at the office in a chair and not enough on my horses!

What autoimmune issues do they suspect? I have the EXACT same thing, except mine has progressed, it used to go away if I kept moving, now it can stick around for a seemingly random periods of time.

I am under suspect of having AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis) and it can affect the SI, which could be the issue. Although we’re still not fully sure on what causes mine (I’m getting an MRI to see if there are any inflammation in the SI area)
If it’s not AS the seond most likely for me is Sjogrens (dry eyes and mouth on top of aches and pains).

I hope you find out something, definitely do as much research on autoimmune issues, there are so many, and much of them aren’t super well known. :frowning: And, what is known, is not always known to all doctors…

Also look into Sciatica, it can cause something similar, but usually you don’t walk it off… Worth looking into.

Don’t fool around,see your orthopedic and get a diagnosis. I could give you my thoughts but since i can’t examine you its worthless. What you are describing sounds easy to fix(i think).

you need to see an ortho, it’s likely a labral tear or you need a hip.

I agree see ortho, get an MRI see what is going on in there. I was having very bad similar pains but it turned out to be from a bulging disc at L4 (the thigh was referred pain from this). I started PT and have mostly pain free days now.

Sciatica? http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000686.htm

Sounds like sciatic nerve pain to me.

First, I would see a chiropractor. For myself, my hips tend to slightly rotate out of position, and it will compress the sciatic nerve on my left side when it does so. An adjustment gets everything back into alignment and it stops hurting.

If that doesn’t do the trick, then a trip to your doctor is in order.

Sounds similar to my Radicular pain (Radiculopathy) from my lower back damage. Have you seen a doctor?

My sciatica can do this. Although it can also hurt all the time.

I’d schedule a doctor appt as soon as possible. I’ve found that it often takes 2-4 weeks to get in with an orthopedist.

I have almost the exact same thing and it’s from me having very flat feet (pronate). It goes away almost completely when I wear my orthotics. Bad conformation at the bottom certainly does affect the joints above! If I go too long without the orthotics, my knee will start to hurt, too. Then my ankle… so I try to always wear them, even in sandals. Looks stupid but I don’t want the pain.