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Raw food diet ideas/help

The commercial/pet store raw diets can be hugely expensive.

I found this supplier of really high quality of frozen raw meats that has made feeding my 2 dogs (@ 65# each) very affordable and convenient.
The have an extensive variety of meats and are very focused on sourcing healthy(not factory farmed) meats.
Depending on where you live(they are in Indiana)- the owners make a monthly delivery route to several states!


A friend of mine gets her meat from a similar type company that is down south - I want to say the Carolinas or Georgia - but I don’t remember the name.

Good luck!

Check out mynaturalk9.com. They sell mixes for dogs & cats. I had my cat on the mix for cats and he did really well.

There’s really no need for commercial raw food. It’s overpriced and often has vegetables which dogs cannot digest, and way too much bone for them. I aim to feed my dogs for $1 per pound. They get an excellent variety and a good salmon oil.