Reactive arthritis

I have this, & take 1000 mg of Naproxen every day, which makes it pretty much unnoticeable…

Unless I work out for more than about 15-20 minutes. Then I get all inflamed & can’t do much for a week or two.

I walk at least a half hour every day (hills) & ride 1 or 2 horses every day…when I can.

Doc says just live with it but Ida Juana!! I like being fit, I like working out, & it helps me ride better.

I know that it’s babyish to complain but maybe there’s something that’s worked for someone else.

Does anybody else have this, & how do you manage it?!

I don’t have it but a family member does. In their case NSAIDs alone are insufficient for management of the condition. If Naproxen is all your doc has tried prior to saying “just live with it” I’d suggest that you get a 2d opinion.

I 'm going for a second opinion tomorrow as, yep, that’s exactly what my previous doc said: just live with it!

Get thee to a rheumatologist! There are treatments available. It may take some trial and error to figure out what works best for you, but I’d fire any doctor who suggested, “Just live with it.”

DH was treated for rheumatoid arthritis for the longest time before switching doctors and figuring out he actually has a nice combo reactive arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Current doctor started him on a new medication that was working well, but unfortunately insurance refuses to cover it. Still working on a good (and affordable) protocol for him.