Read/unread indicators not working

The read/unread box that is yellow for unread isn’t working right now, and I’m also finding that threads I have read are still bolded.

I’ve seen it before and shrugged it off, but it seems like this is becoming a pattern and happening just prior to the server issues, so thought maybe I should mention I see it happening in case just clearing a cache or something will save a website crash. :slight_smile:

I’m having this problem too. It’s kind of annoying.

What browser and version are you two using to view the site?
Mod 1

Chrome Version 27.0.1453.94 m

And this problem has returned. Usually it precedes a crash I’ve noticed, so you’re probably about to have problems again after whatever crash happened this week. Actually, the google ad problems I started a thread on also usually precedes broken servers as well.

I’m using IE 8 on the computer and Chrome (no idea what version) on the phone.

The problem is back again.

Any chance of Mod 1 letting the tech folks know this, too, especially given it’s usually a precursor to the forums crashing?

I have – thank you!

This was briefly fixed, I think, but whatever change was just made (only difference I notice is the “E” on the page tabs which I don’t understand) broke it again. IE 8 as well as Chrome on my Android phone - it doesn’t register where I have been, and selecting the “take me to the last unread post in the thread” doesn’t.

Chiming in to say this feature rarely works for me – maybe once every few months or so. So, not an indicator of an impending crash, but annoying anyway.

I use firefox 25.0.1 on one computer and chrome 30.0.1599.101 m on the other.

Wow, this ever worked for anyone? It’s never worked for me. Read/unread is meaningless whenever I use the board.

Sorry to be repetitive, as I know I’ve asked before, but what browser and version are you using Simkie?

Thanks ~
Mod 1