Realignment surgery for tibia ankle and foot.... anyone else have this done?

Such a wonderful experience. 5th surgery on this ankle. This one involved cutting into bone , splitting it open two inches or so, putting in a wedge, screws, metal plate and bone graft. Also removing scar tissue and arthritis. Now 6 weeks NWB in a cast. Bored, in pain, and well bored.

Horses are being taken care of, and until I can get down to the stable have someone else doing my lessons.

The problem is that due to Lyme disease I have a weak immune system so I have been exhausted. So tiring being on crutches even for a bit.

Anyone ever have a surgery like this?

Oh thank God, I am not alone. Oh, not that I want anyone else suffering but I was wondering what was wrong with me.

My surgery was no where as complicated as yours…Peroneal tendon repair right foot…both of them smashed flat. I was NWB for 3 weeks and have been touch down WB for 3 weeks. I am exhausted at anything I do and there is nothing wrong with my immune system (that I know of). I am so tired of being tired.
I go back to the doc next week which will be week #7 and find out what torture they have in mind for physical therapy. Right now the foot is still totally wonky in the feeling department. I haven’t really had outright pain but the tingling, prickling and zapping, shooting pains are most uncomfortable. Walking…that is going to be interesting.

I have schlupped out to the barn a few times. My crutches scare the crap out of my horse. She gets over it…until the next time I show up. At least this weekend I didn’t get a meltdown…but they were still quite snort worthy.

Oh and yesterday I go out and pony is dead lame on the left hind. I thought maybe she just tweaked something as her buddy was out being ridden. But no, today she was just as bad so I scheduled the vet for Wednesday but they want me to bring her in…yeah, right. Luckily, one of the other boarders was nice enough to offer to haul her for me. My trailer hasn’t been pulled since the end of September and I don’t think I have the energy to hook it up and go air up all the tires and get the horse to the vet. I figure she will probably need an ultrasound so off to the vet we will go.

I don’t know. I figured that by now, I would be conditioned to the crutches and scooter but it hasn’t seemed to work that way.
I’ve had a few surgeries and this by far has been the worst. All of the others, I felt pretty darn good by week #2 but this hauling your carcass around on one leg just not fun.:no:

Jingles for a good recovery…nothing speedy about it it seems.


I’m not alone! All my other surgeries I was up and doing things after two weeks too. This time I am just exhausted ALL THE TIME :frowning:

Hope you start to feel better. I hate tendon surgeries.