I bought my horse in February and a month later she came up lame. I was riding her and everything was going fine and then suddenly she would not go forward at the trot and stated to do small half rears to avoid going forward. Immediately got off and luckily a specialty lameness vet was coming by in two days so he took a look at her. Nerve blocked her and found by ultrasound swelling in the upper hind left suspensory along with minimal fiber fraying. Not a terrible diagnosis, but still a few weeks off and a slow rehab. Fast forward to the middle of April. Vet comes back and she is looking 99% sounder at the trot and ultrasound shows very good healing and minimal swelling and reattaching of fibers. Great news! Immediately could start walking her undersaddle for two weeks and then incorporate small bits of trot work. At the trot she seems maybe a bit stiff but otherwise sound. Until about ten trot steps in she starts doing a half rear and refusing to go forward. Walked for a few more days and tried to do it again. Same thing happened.
Before I bought her she had her back injected (December) and flexed mild positive for this hind left limb. I am curious as to whether you all think she might be over compensating for her back and that is why the suspensory swelling popped up, or perhaps it is just the suspensory and I am crazy. Regardless, for a horse that had such a clean ultrasound two weeks ago and have been doing nothing but walking (which she had been doing before in turnout), I’m stumped.
She tends to be very very sensitive when brushing or currying her and almost tends to seize up at the trot. I think she might have Lyme’s? She came down from NJ to SC.
I am having the vet re-look at her next week but I will be out of the country and would like some peace of mind or something of the sort… going crazy over here!