Recent fracture, dislocation and ORIF with plate and screws of left ring finger PIP joint (second joint)

Looking for anyone else’s experience and advice about returning to riding after this type of injury. 4 weeks post op my finger is still very stiff, swollen, straight and partially numb, especially in the fingertip. I ride a lot normally and show in the hunters. I am still doing a lot of PT to increase ROM and I know that progress, especially with this injury, is very slow. I am afraid to ride too soon even after the bone is healed after 6-8 weeks if my finger is still stiff and numb due to the risk of reinjury. I also have a job that depends on using my hands, so reinjury is a concern there as well. Currently the injured finger comes to within an inch of my palm when I make a fist, and that is a slow, careful fist. Thanks!

I had an avulsion fracture(torn volar plate) of the PIP on my middle finger that the surgeon pinned. It is fixed at about a 90 degree angle with maybe 15 degrees of motion. I ride dressage but it has never been a problem. I can touch my palm but not make a tight fist with it.

OP, I have Dupuytrens’ contracture of my right ring and middle fingers will results very similar to carolprudm’s. I do ride but mostly casual and trail riding, every once in a while a little jump. BUT if my horse pulls or tosses her head at bugs, it can be quite painful.

This arose as a complication of surgery, and I am having additional surgery for it in 2 weeks. What fun!

If reinjury is a concern you’d probably want to take things slowly!

A friend had that surgery, had several fingers that just made his hand useless, so he had to get the surgery.
He was an architect and really needed both hands working well.

He did great, he had practically full use of his hand again, was very glad he went ahead.

He was in his 70’s when two fingers again started getting tight, but by then he could handle being less active and didn’t opt for more surgery.

I expect today they do even more wonderful surgeries with excellent results.

I had De Quervain on my thumb and the surgeon fixed that as he did an ulnar reduction surgery and general arthritis clean up of the wrist.
Has never again given any trouble, not at all.

Hand and wrist surgery is very good today, with a good, experienced surgeon that does that all day long.

I fell off a young horse and had to have surgery with screws to reattach my right ring finger this summer. (Of course I’m right handed too!). I am a terrible patient though and had an event I desperately wanted to attend 9 days post surgery… so rode with my reins like driving reins and a big fat bandaged finger sticking out. Thankfully had a great friend who could help cork etc!

Heat packs helped a lot to get better ROM, and contrast baths for swelling. I also used Ktape to help with edema. I really worked hard at the stretches they gave me- they also made some stretching splints to make it easier. I did lots of stretching after a hot shower- and I tell you what, the day I got my finger to finally touch my palm was so exciting! It was probably around week 4 or 5 that I got to that point and that was using my other hand to help get it there… After that I found gaining ROM started to move along much faster.

I rode with driving reins for the first week bit then was able to ride with the rein under my middle finger until about 10 weeks post surgery and then started to ride normally. I did have to wear a splint that went around my hand and extended the ring and pinky finger for 6weeks? But it was nice as it buffered any bumps!! It’s 4 months past surgery now and it doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s maybe a little fatter then the others but they say it can take upwards of 18months for that to clear out. I wouldn’t be discouraged from hopping up and seeing what would work for you.