Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Last week I was told that the lump that my doctor and the radiologist were certain was a cyst, is in fact a Grade 3 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma that is triple negative.
One week ago I had no idea what any of that meant.
My tumor is over 4 cm. The plan is to start with chemo followed by a double mastectomy and radiation. Right now I am so frustrated with the waiting and the endless tests. I just want treatment to start. This feeling of the cancer spreading unchecked is driving me nuts.
So many people have been supportive and offering advice. I have been told to take Turmeric capsules to slow the tumor growth and to drink raw apple cider vinegar to raise my body’s pH.
I am ready to try anything!
Foaling season is just around the corner and I am wondering how the chemo will effect my ability to assist my mares if necessary.

You are such a pro that you could assist mares telepathically if needed! I think you need to do what I did and assign some people you trust in other time zones to take a shift for you when you get tired. Mare stare is great but most of the people are more hindrance than help but other breeders like me could definitely be knowledgeable eyes for you so you can get some real rest not just the one eye opened for months on end that normally accompanies foaling season. You will beat this, be strong and keep the great attitude!

Gen, you have a whole team to support you mentally. Let’s hope your mares will get the hint and foal on time and easily!
Chemo did not affect me at all. I was not tired, I was not nauseous. I just kept on going and my blood tests were excellent before each treatment. We all react differently though. Just make sure you have good anti nausea drugs, eat plenty of fruit and vegies and rest as much as you can.
Your attitude has been so positive. It 's the first step!!
The battle is starting soon (remember I had to wait 3 months last summer just to get the diagnostic. Two weeks seems so short to me, but I know you want the battle to start yesterday!)
We’ve got your back Gen!

Read this book - it is very informative and down to earth.

This is one of those times you insist on doing it your way, so be well informed.
Be good to yourself, eat well, listen to your body and be as stubborn as you care to be. Your state of mind is as important as any treatment you get. Whatever your doctor says, your horses will be good medicine.

Hopefully the troops will find this thread and rally to your aid. We need the power of COTH jingles working their magic pronto! C’mon people, Gen needs us!

Thinking positive thoughts for you!

positive thoughts headed your way!

Survivor Jingles!

FWIW, I rode in my first rated Event the weekend after I finished radiation therapy - and placed 2nd!

Hope the chemo is kind to you, so many advances in meds have been made recently.
But as Equibrit said: be your own advocate!
Demand relief from chemo-related symptoms/side effects.
You do NOT have to live with them.

Survivor jingles! I am sure you are getting great advice and support here, but one thing I want to mention, is go ahead and consider your options regarding reconstruction. I had a single mastectomy and was almost too overwhelmed to worry about reconstruction. I was able to have the one step, but I do encourage you to look ahead to your options in that regard and plan for a normal life. But be sure to tell your doctors over and over that you do not need large breasts! They want to make us so buxom! and it is much simpler to go smaller.

Jingles and prayers!!!

Many jingles headed your way!

Thank you all! This has certainly been an interesting time and I am sure it will be an adventure.
They have changed my plan. I am now having surgery next week, before chemo. A second mass has been discovered on the recent MRI. So, they have determined surgery first is my best option. Next week they will do demolition and reconstruction at the same time. I will have the double mastectomy and have them replaced during the same surgery.
I will just keep reminding myself that my breasts are attached to me, I am not attached to them.

More jingles from one who has been there. Looking at it as an adventure is the way to do it. The support drugs today are excellent, and chemo should not get in your way too much (that said with the caveat that everyone reacts to it in their own way, mentally and physically). But there was someone recently who did Rolex while doing chemo, no joke, so you have the choice to do it your way. You will have some wrung-out fatigue at times, but they are brief (couple of days). I was spared extensive surgery, so I don’t have experience there, but I imagine that will set you back a bit.

I know what you mean about the waiting. I had decided to put one of my oldsters down if I had to have chemo, so waiting for them to make up their mind, and waiting on appointmens was agonizing. But it sounds like things are moving along for you.

Best of luck; we’re hear to listen. Wish I was closer to help in person–

That’s what I had – one step demolition and reconstruction. Be sure your plastic surgeon understands that you are happy with small breasts. Many of them also do breast implants for non cancer folks who just want huge boobs. So they are used to thinking that’s what women want. I think mine went much more smoothly because I did not require a large implant.

The one thing about Cancer treatments is that you can not predict how they will affect you and each time was different for me. So my advice is don’t worry about foaling but yourself, take one day at a time. Buy masks to wear at the barn during chemo, rest when needed. You’ll find this is one of the toughest tests of life. Hugs and strength to you Sister.

Thank you all! This has certainly been an interesting time and I am sure it will be an adventure.
They have changed my plan. I am now having surgery next week, before chemo. A second mass has been discovered on the recent MRI. So, they have determined surgery first is my best option. Next week they will do demolition and reconstruction at the same time. I will have the double mastectomy and have them replaced during the same surgery.
I will just keep reminding myself that my breasts are attached to me, I am not attached to them.[/QUOTE]

Many, many jingles Gen. I will be thinking about you and wishing you well from Maryland.

JINGLES & AO ~ and ((hugs)) ~

Jingles & AO ~ ((hugs))

Jingling and praying for a completely successful outcome!

Zu Zu is on the scene, now we are getting somewhere!

Jingles & AO for this week ahead ~ hope you feel wrapped in family & friend love ~

Jingles & AO for this week ahead ~

  • May you feel wrapped in the love from your family & friends ~ two legged as well as four legged ~

Jingle Jingle Jingle & AO ~ AO ~ AO ~ Always Optimistic ~

((hugs)) as well as thoughts and prayers ~ be brave ~

We will be thinking of you ~

** thanks Laurierace [/B][/I]