Recipies: Home made potions you have on your tack room shelf

To the tack cleaning recipe mentioned before,
I add 1/4 cup whole milk to 1 glycerine bar, melted, and 1/4 cup Lexol (orange container). Stir well. I put up in those cool little Zip lock containers. Refrigerate until solid.

Don’t leave in sun as it will become yucky slime, but rehardens again if cooled.

JB’s Scratches Cream:
2 oz Desitin
2 oz Neosporin
2 oz Cortisone cream

Mixed together. Use daily. Can use generic creams.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

Well, to be fair, a friend of mine has a mare that gets huge summer sores (they aren’t florida sores, because she doesn’t live in florida ) every spring, and they get bigger and bigger until fall, when the parasite that causes them dies off. This woman takes better, more anal retentive care of her animals than anyone I know (myself included), and lord knows she has spent money trying to cure them on this mare. Fortunately the mare isn’t really bothered by them at all, so there would be no need to stop riding her.

I admit, when I saw them, I was kind of surprised - I really didn’t think they were much of an issue after ivermectin came on the market, but apparently some horses still have chronic problems with them.

As for the head tied to the side, it’s not my training method, but lord knows a few hunters and WP horses have experienced it with little or no ill effects.

3/4 Listerine
1/4 Baby Oil

Squirt onto mane and allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse out. Works better than anything I’ve ever seen before-usually only one treatment necessary!

Must recommend
The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse to all of y’all! I LOVE it-and it has all sorts of neat “recipes” in it! Thats where I got the dandruff treatment!

“Celebrate we will, 'Cause life is short but sweet for certain” ~Dave Matthews
“Better a live chicken than a dead or hurt duck” ~Judy Richter, Pony Talk

Found this one referenced in some article in The Horse:

Scratches Remedy
1/2 jar of furacin
1/2 jar of cortisone cream w/aloe (people stuff)
1 dose of benzalmin wormer

Mix together, apply liberally as needed

I finally had an opportunity to use it this summer on a horse who had a whopping case around his coronary band. Worked like a dream!

Hoof Toughener
In a smallish jar (don’t laugh, but these measurments are geared to a small Pace picante sauce jar)
2/3 liquid turpentine (NOT venice!)
1/3 DMSO
10 cc iodine

(works as well as most anything, but it will eat up the metal lid and the metal on the paintbrush)

Tack cleaner (another variation on the others)

1 bar Fiebings glycerine
8 oz Lexol conditioner

melt fiebings in microwave (don’t overcook), add warmed lexol, stir thoroughly, reheat to blend glycerine, let cool, put infrige or freezer for a few days to let set (required step for humid south)

Leg Sweat/Wound Ointment/Florida Sore medicine
(it’s GOOD to know the people who mix up the vet’s potions )

8 oz DMSO
8 oz furacin (liquid, or slowly add/shake the ointment until heavy liquid composition)
10 cc dexamethasone or predef

great stuff for sweating fat legs due to cuts, old bows/suspensories, potential or active Florida sores and so on…

I don’t have kids, so I hope I am describing this correctly.

It’s in the baby department, and Johnson and Johnson makes it. (There are also some knock off brands such as Equate at Walmart) There are a bunch of different varieties, vapor baby wash, bedtime baby wash and something else, I forgot. But, I think parents use the Vapor wash to bathe their kids when they have colds. And I think they use the bedtime wash for the night bath before they put their kids to bed. It goes in the bathwater.

If it works for babies, then I suppose it’s probably good for my four-legged equine kids!

My mentor says I can never give out the recipe for Heptyl Peptyl, a racetrack remedy brace for blown legs, cuts, etc. But i got a great hoof conditioner that works like the old timers wanted.

Pine tar
Crisco or lard
splash of oil
Melt all together and can apply with toothbrush.
great for cracked hooves, dry, foundered. Hooved grow fast on this!

Also Reducine and DMSO will get a hoof to grow fast.

Preperation H is the best thing for growing hair from a cut/scrape, etc.

I just made a batch of this last night. I got the recipe off another internet site bulletin board. I am going to try it tonight so I don’t make any claims to it’s effectiveness right now. Hopefully my horse won’t break out in hives tomorrow!!

1 large bottle generic listerine
1 bottle wintergreen rubbing alcohol
1 bottle witch hazel
1 travel size bottle baby oil
1/2 bottle generic baby vapor wash.

Mix it all up in a plastic jug and use about 1 cup per bucket of water.

Well, nothing special, but here’s a twist on regular Furazone sweat: use gel DMSO to mix it. Since it stays a gel it is easier to apply and goes on nicely with a cheap paint brush. Remember to use a light proof container.

Pat’s Magic Sweat Mark Remover
In a 32oz sprayer:

1 pint PLAIN alcohol
a serious dash of Calgon or Vaseline bath beads
Fill to top with water

Simple to point of being ridiculous, but it does the trick. Spray on WET sweat marks and rub in with a towel. Makes you horse dry “flat” with out needing to give him a shower; great for inbetween classes. Add a fancy label and your friends will think it MUST be special. The blue water doesn’t hurt either.

Not really a recipe, but still a really smart idea I stole from a vet. Store gauze 4x4’s soaked in Betadine scrub and some water in a leak proof container. When you have a cut to clean up you will already have something to clean it with that you know doesn’t have a family of spiders living on it. I also keep clean dry 4x4’s in a screw lid container; wet a handful of these to rinse the Betadine off if you can’t use a hose.

On the subject of 4x4’s, if you know a medical professional, they should be able to get them for you. I had nurses in one barn who always kept me loaded up with gauze. When ever they open a pack of 4x4’s the unused part must be thrown out. What a waste! Technically, they aren’t sterile anymore, but they are still clean which is perfect.

Got a horse who doesn’t like having its mane pulled? Use Chloraseptic Throat Spray (available at any drug store in the Cough & Cold section). Spray the roots of the mane, wait one minute and pull away. Chloraseptic comes in different flavors, but I find that the Menthol works best, because it doesn’t attract flies. If you’ve ever used this stuff for a sore throat, you’ll understand why it works so well.