<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by threesixoxer:
- Do you use glycerine saddle soap, or plain non-horsey glycerine bars?
I used Fiebings saddle soap (the kind that comes in the rectangular box as a bar, not the kind that comes in the metal tin.)
How long does it usually take to melt the glycerine (I used saddle soap) It took me forever, and really didnt’ seem to melt uniformly
Cut the bar up into 4 pieces and put them in a microwave safe bowl (uncovered)
Put the microwave on 50% power.
Put the bowl in for 1 minute to start. After the minute was up, I used the back of a spoon to sort of “smush” the pieces down, but they were still pretty hard
Put the bowl back in for 30 seconds. Smush them again (this time they actually smushed
Add the whole milk and Lexol to the half-melted/half-smushed saddle soap.
Put the bowl back in the microwave for another 30 seconds and stir the mixture well, smushing any chunks left.
The formula should be pretty watery by now, but if it’s not, I’d suggest putting the bowl back in the microwave for 15-20 second intervals making sure to STIR after each interval. (I think stirring and smushing is a crucial part in making this work!
- Now I have a sort of goopey, liquidy mess. Do you usually keep it in the fridge / freezer, or use it like this?
I was wondering this too 
On the plus side, I used some today, and was quite pleased with how it turned out.
I can’t wait to try mine!
~Irish Today, Sober Tomorrow~