Recipies: Home made potions you have on your tack room shelf

Two of mine:

For tack:
A glycerine bar melted in the microwave and mixed with Lexol, then put in a tub (like a quart yogurt container). Great for reconditioning dry leather.

For body wash: Vinegar, alcohol (wintergreen if possible) and Listerine.

Who else has some?

Calgon bath beads mixed with water make a great mane and tail detangler!

“Throw your heart over the fence and your horse will follow.”

I think I do remember a commercial for the night time bath stuff now-it was lavendar and made the kid sleepy. Still have never heard of the other, but then again my kids are out of the baby stage…I know lavendar is an aromatherapy smell for calming, so who knows, it would calm a feisty horse too???

Does this recipe cover the conditioning of your tack too, or does it just clean it?

I just got finished making it and that came to mind. I know milk is supposed to make your hair nice and conditioned, so is milk the conditioning agent in this recipe?

~Irish Today, Sober Tomorrow~

Fly spray
1/3 vinegar
1/3 listerine
1/3 Skin So Soft

Works about as well as anything else, isn’t irritating and smells pretty good.

Hmmm… I tried the glycerine bar/Lexol/milk thing last nite…It separated when I refidged it. Any hints? Should I melt it again? SUZ

I tried the glycerine / milk / Lexol concoction and had a few glitches! If anyone could help, that would be great!

  1. Do you use glycerine saddle soap, or plain non-horsey glycerine bars?

  2. How long does it usually take to melt the glycerine (I used saddle soap) It took me forever, and really didnt’ seem to melt uniformly

  3. Now I have a sort of goopey, liquidy mess. Do you usually keep it in the fridge / freezer, or use it like this?

On the plus side, I used some today, and was quite pleased with how it turned out. Thanks for the idea!

Cool! I’m gonna try the soap recipe: have an old gylcerine bar that’s never been used & a bottle of lexol orange with a broken top. Quick question~ what are Florida sores? Are they like summer sores that horses get on their legs??? Clue me in!

My fly spray recipe (a little involved, but works!)

Fill spray bottle 1/2 way with Bronco citronella spray (I get economy size, it’s cheap)…add an ounce or two of Repel X concentrate…then a good splash of vinegar…and several generous drops each of citonella oil & Skin So Soft. Add water the rest of the way & shake well. Works great for my guys! SUZ

Mine has stayed together fine.
I wonder why yours didn’t?

“Have You Hugged Your Trainer Today?”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by threesixoxer:

  1. Do you use glycerine saddle soap, or plain non-horsey glycerine bars?

I used Fiebings saddle soap (the kind that comes in the rectangular box as a bar, not the kind that comes in the metal tin.)

  1. How long does it usually take to melt the glycerine (I used saddle soap) It took me forever, and really didnt’ seem to melt uniformly

  2. Cut the bar up into 4 pieces and put them in a microwave safe bowl (uncovered)

  3. Put the microwave on 50% power.

  4. Put the bowl in for 1 minute to start. After the minute was up, I used the back of a spoon to sort of “smush” the pieces down, but they were still pretty hard

  5. Put the bowl back in for 30 seconds. Smush them again (this time they actually smushed )

  6. Add the whole milk and Lexol to the half-melted/half-smushed saddle soap.

  7. Put the bowl back in the microwave for another 30 seconds and stir the mixture well, smushing any chunks left.

The formula should be pretty watery by now, but if it’s not, I’d suggest putting the bowl back in the microwave for 15-20 second intervals making sure to STIR after each interval. (I think stirring and smushing is a crucial part in making this work! )

  1. Now I have a sort of goopey, liquidy mess. Do you usually keep it in the fridge / freezer, or use it like this?

I was wondering this too

On the plus side, I used some today, and was quite pleased with how it turned out.

I can’t wait to try mine!

~Irish Today, Sober Tomorrow~

baby vapor wash???I’ve had two kids, but this is a new one to me…thanks

HuntJump - I warm the lexol so it is close to the same temp as the melted glycerine before I mix them, then heat the mixture on very low heat (like butter melting heat) for a few more seconds and stir until thoroughly mixed…

But I don’t usually add the milk, just a tablepoon of real cream.

Maybe you could try reheating it on a very low microwave setting, then freezing it?

[I]"You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty. "

  • Sacha Guitry (1885-1957) *[/I]

Regarding the goopy gloopy mess you need to let it cool a bit then set it in the freezer overnight, then move to the fridge for a day , then leave out in the house for a day and see if it stays set. I say that because when I lived in SFL and made the stuff during summer it was a real battle to get it to set in the humidity - sometimes took several days in the freezer and just as many in the fridge before it would stay set.

Also it is just an average cleaner, really more of a conditioner, but I have found that if I add a “glug” of ammonia to your rinse water once a week and wipe down your tack with it first, then apply “The Mixture,” iyour tack stays nice and clean.

[I]"You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty. "

  • Sacha Guitry (1885-1957) *[/I]

Two of mine:

For tack:
A glycerine bar melted in the microwave and mixed with Lexol, then put in a tub (like a quart yogurt container). Great for reconditioning dry leather.

For body wash: Vinegar, alcohol (wintergreen if possible) and Listerine.

Who else has some?


Yes! Florida Sores = summer sores

That is what you get for living in FL most your life - you even think summer sores are all your own But I do remember the “pre-ivermectin” days, when - thanks to year round heat - we battled them 365/24/7

Mix -1 cup furasone
-1/4 cup epsom salts
-1/2 cup witch hazel
~this will draw anything out

Also, as a cool down/fly repel in the summer

-1/4 cup vetrolin
-2 glugs (very technical I know ) skin so soft
-1 tbsp lemon juice

“A cynic is just a man who found out at about age ten that there wasn’t any Santa Claus,and he’s still upset”

Listerine for tail rubbing and our barn manager used a disgusting but effective combination of sugar and iodine like a poultice on mare with a badly kicked leg that was swollen and slow to heal. Did an amazing job and it healed quickly. Cayenne pepper mixed with some Murphy’s oil soap paste for a dedicated chewer.

There’s a mare at a well-known QH trainer’s barn next door…she has these AWFUL summer sores on every single foot, they’re just these huge open masses on her pasterns.Want to know what’s worse? They keep RIDING her! In that sand & dirt pen…Doesn’t look like he’s even treating them…because I saw the mare a month or so back & she had them then, but not nearly as bad. I saw her this past week (she was in a round pen saddled & with her head tied around (GRRRR)) and these places are now the size of my fist! Does that constitute animal cruelty? SUZ

Poultice - great for drawing out abscesses in feet and much easier than soaking.

Equal parts bran and Epsom salts, mixed with enough betadine to make it mushy. Microwave just long enough to make everything mix together. Leave it on overnight.

Old Groom’s Trick

To get show shine, add a tablespoon of liquid fabric softener and a tablespoon of pinesol to a bucket of water. Using a damp rag go over the horse’s body and dip the tail. Great for removing horse show dust and really makes them shine. Smells good too.