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Recommended boarding places in central Virginia

I’m moving from Colorado to Virginia later this fall 2021 and would like recommendations for a boarding facility……
Indoor and outdoor arenas, turnout with shelter, fun friendly and possible work/ teaching opportunities. I am BHSII certified but have been just teaching a few students in Colorado. Retiring from my 22 year business as a fitness center owner and personal fitness trainer. Want to get back to Virginia and live in the horse world again. I have 2 horses, a 7 yr old Oldenburg and a 6 yr old Lusitano. I would like to find a place in central Virginia.Charlottesville, scottsville, Barboursville or Powhatan areas. I used to work at Camp Friendship with Davera Ackenbom years ago (87-94). Please let me know your suggestions. I’m visiting in August to check out places I have found on the web.

Are you looking for a primarily dressage boarding facility? (Basing this question off your username)

Yes. But I also would like to hack out and maybe even do some work over fences.

I have 15 barns and facilities to visit on my hit list around the Charlottesville area.

Oakdale Farm in Powhatan. I have not boarded there but have been to some of their horse trials and for XC schooling, would absolutely be on my list if it was closer to where I live

I will check it out for sure. Thank you.