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Recover from Splint surgery

Splint surgery sounded easy and straight forward. So far anything but simple. The day he arrived home we treated for colic. He was dehydrated and a wreck, could not stand still. Was jumpy for 2 days. Finally fixed it some but continued with Banamine two days to make sure, along with ulcer treatment. Calming supplement added and small tiny area to stand outside with his friends. Now he’s lame again. He’s bearing weight but went from fine to reluctant to use. Has anyone had experience with surgery like this? Is it normal for it to be sore? I am still doing 2 grams of bute from the vet advice. He probably had the biggest splint growth I have ever seen removed. Suspensory was affected and some had to be cut.

My horse had a hugely displaced splint fracture on her right hind, which required surgical removal. She was never really lame on the leg following the injury, and after the surgery she was managed with a couple of days of an anti inflammatory and bandaging. She has been sound ever since, and she was 18 when she sustained the fracture.

My horse did not have any suspensory involvement, so perhaps that is the cause of your horse’s lameness. Soft tissue is always slower to heal than bone.