Recovering from Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

I got back on two weeks out, but it was on a horse I trusted. The worse part was getting off, it took a bit to figure out how. I was lucky that we had a 3 ft pile of sand in the arena for new footing walked the mare right into it, belly high and she stood perfectly still for about 20 min until I could figure it out. I love that mare.

Crappy knees

I have crappy cartilage too-funny enough mine is a result of several tears to lat. meniscus. The surgeon missed some tears…(Long story) For me, Ibuprofin and Alieve are WONDERFUL! I will often take a couple of each before my knee begins to hurt. (You probably know your own triggers.)I found the gluc,MSM, Chond. combos help, but do seem to reach a plateau. In my experience they have continued to work, but the feeling of getting better and better each day stopped. The best thing for me has been squats and other exercises to strengthen the leg muscles. I do have to avoid twisting the knee, unless it’s slow-as in yoga- as well as pounding. Running is out now.You might also try Arnica Montana, available at health food stores, tablet form under the tounge is best.Good luck :slight_smile:

Hey, I don’t know what to do…my MRI came back negative even though both my regular doc and I can see a tear on it in 2 views (Rad said it has to be 3 to be official)! I’ve been suffering for a couple of months now. Just got back to walking “normally” about 10 days ago- was hell on crutches for a while. Have been riding very lightly for 1 month. Then this morning I rode a few broncs and my knee went back to huge, I am gimping, and my knee shakes on the stairs. I’ve been good about doing rehab (although I need to start on squats) and supplementing with g/ch/msm. After 2 months of this, do you think I should go talk to a surgeon, or should I give it another month? (I already spoke to one who just went off the MRI and did not even check my meniscus, and instead told me it was nothing and I should feel better in a couple of weeks.)

When I had my arthroscope done on my knee my Dr said I could ride as soon as I could figure out how to get ON the horse. As I walked up to the mounting block with my horse while still on crutches my b/o was asking are you sure this ok??

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