I worked with the orthopaedic surgeon for the MetroStars (pro soccer team). And I’ve had a piece of my own meniscus removed.
With that said, meniscal repairs are very difficult and pretty rare; the sutures generally do not hold and if it does happen to heal, it’s prone to re-tear. Plus you’re looking at 6 weeks on crutches (non weight bearing!) with a meniscal repair.
If they go in and snip out the torn part or just smooth the edges of the tear, you’re generally off crutches in 2 or 3 days, max. I walked into my post-op appt. the day after surgery without crutches and not much of a limp at all. I was driving the day after that (left knee was done and I do not have a manual car!). Pain was not too bad and I really only needed Motrin after the first few days.
Your knee will be swollen, ice is your friend. Ice both the top of your knee and under your knee. No more than 20 minutes at a time. Keep your leg elevated! If you find you cannot fully straighten your knee to 180 degrees, do not put a pillow under your knee. Put it under your ankle to encourage full extension in your knee.
PT will last about 4-6 weeks but you’ll be riding far before that. If it’s your left knee (as it was mine), you can mount from the other side for awhile.
If there’s anything I haven’t covered or if you need a source for the best ice packs in the world, feel free to PM me!
Best of luck!
ETA: I saw your injury is chronic (mine was as well); meniscal repairs are generally only done with an acute injury.