Recovering from norovirus and inner ear infection...:(

I feel a little bit hesitant posting but here goes-- I have had a bout of viral infection over the past 6 weeks or so-- norovirus with a relapse and then an inner ear infection that caused horrible vertigo. I was in bed flat on my back more than I was out of it for a lot of that time, lost about 25 pounds (now at an ideal weight…). I check out OK medically-- except for some residual vertigo and just being so tired. I can do a lot more than I could do a week ago-- I cycle to see my horse, which is about 3.5 hilly miles each way, and am now up to walk, trot, canter, for about 45 minutes. Sounds great, right? But that wipes me out. I can do a full day of work but that wipes me out. I have not yet combined a full work day with a a horse ride. Maybe today. I used to be able to do that without a second thought.

. I am used to being robust, vigorous and active. This is frustrating. I realize it might take some time to build up strength and energy levels again-- and I am trying to find the right amount of activity without overdoing it. I would imagine the weight loss, the inactivity, and the body fighting off the infection means my energy is depleted.

I look really healthy. People are telling me how great I look due to the weight loss, without realizing I was so sick. But I do not feel great. I am improved, but feel so far from normal.

Not sure what I am looking for here-- words of encouragement? Hopeful stories of people overcoming a severe viral infection? Words of wisdom?

edited to add

I might add that I have started to get massage or reflexology on a monthly basis-- I feel so much better after either. I am also unable to take nearly any medication, if a pill has a severe and rare side effect, I seem to get it. I am really trying to concentrate on getting and staying healthy through diet, exercise, and a positive mindset. It is hard to describe how I feel on a not so great day-- my muscles feel sore and tired, and I have the feeling of yuck coming out of my pores that you might get with a bad hangover ( I do not drink much-- not at all now).

May I suggest you get a blood panel done to check for any imbalances. You might be missing something, like iron (anemic).

It could be a chemical imbalance too.

Check with a doctor. S/he will know about your medication intolerance and could prescribe you more « natural » avenues, like supplements and better diet.

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I was Going to suggest bloodwork as well, it could be something as simple as lingering dehydration. We had the norovirus wipe out Christmas as couple of years ago. Two of us ended up hospitalized and the rest of us probably should have been too, it’s no joke. Hope you are on the mend soon.

Any nfection will tax your energy and immune system. Just cut back a bit and make sure you REST and hydrate. Norovirus is awful …been there and I’m old!

i think you are e pecting way too much too soon

Agree…too much too soon. If your activity wipes you out, you have to cut back. Drive to the barn if you are going to ride for 45 minutes. Work…do you have a place you can take a break mid-shift or midday? I am battling back issues and between the pain, the leg weakness and the concrete floors, I have to take a break and get OFF my feet. My workplace has a couple recliners in the library so I head to one of those. I set my phone alarm just in case I fall asleep (which I have done). It helps A LOT. Also, my 8hrs of sleep hasn’t been happening and that really isn’t good. Breaks off my feet and short naps are a necessity.

With that rapid a weigh loss, you have no doubt sacrificed a lot of muscle and that doesn’t help either. Working to the point of exhaustion is not helping your immune system recover. Try dialing it back a bit until you aren’t exhausted, maintain for a week or so then gradually start adding things back in.


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One thing we have lost in our modern high tech world is the notion of convalescence, you were sick, now you pamper your self, rest and get well. We now think it should be like switching an appliance of or on, yesterday I was sick, today I’m well, doesn’t work like that…Be nice to yourself, rest as much as you need, let your body restore itself, do a little more each day as you feel better, build up slowly.

We understand long slow rehab fir horses, why can’t we do the same for ourselves?


Great point about how we carefully rehab our horses, but expect SO much lof ourselves.

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Thanks all for the comments and information and suggestions. It seems like hydration is a very important component-- feeling dizzy yesterday was resolved by drinking a lot of water-- and doing OK today by drinking a lot of water. I am trying to do 3 liters a day as this seems to do the trick. It has become very humid where I am so that probably adds to the need to stay super hydrated.

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Be kind to yourself!

Sorry to hear about what you are going through :frowning: Some thoughts that come to mind:

  1. The massage idea is great.
  2. I’ve been making an effort to drink lots of water recently and it is amazing what a difference it can make.
  3. As others have said, it’s possible that your lab markers are out of balance. If it continues, seems like a good idea to see your doctor for some tests or just order a hormone level like a testosterone test online:
  4. Alternatively, have you tried any natural remedies like turmeric for inflammation?
  5. I’m also a fan of extra sleep

I guess it’s possible that it all related to recovery from your illness as it can take months to recover. Hope you get better soon!

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Any update? Hope you are doing better

Many thanks again for the kind words, suggestions and encouragements. I continue to get better in increments. I have to pay attention to staying super hydrated and to pacing myself. I get lots of sleep. A horse ride yesterday ( along with round trip bike ride) was fine, though I came home and napped 2 hours after. Heat and humidity bother me a lot, and so since today is going to be miserable, and I am feeling a bit tired from yesterday, I am foregoing a trip to the barn. :frowning:

I am hesitant to return to my PCP, because, as said, I check out OK medically (blood count, blood pressure, etc, etc) and so they are not inclined to do anything for me much. My activity level is probably somewhat not helpful, as it does not sound like an unwell person.

I am able to work flexibly from home, which I have been doing as much as I can, and lets me work at my own pace, so I do not get over tired.

I just have to remind myself of how little I could do 2 weeks ago compared to what I can do now-- so although sometimes it does not seem like it-- I am making very steady improvement.

Good point about the rapid weight loss meaning a loss of muscle-- not doubt that is the case and I need to carefully build up again–and not just assume I will wake up one day magically all better. :confused:

So I am continuing to get better. The vertigo is gone, completely. I try to pay close attention to hydration. My stamina for daily activities is improving but not where it was. I am struggling with muscle aches and pains. Some of that was due to a poorly set up work station at work, and that was addressed last week. Partly I think I have lost muscle and strength and my body is just struggling with what I want from it-- it will take time to build up what was lost.

I tire out easily in the high heat and humidity we are experiencing-- so I do my best to avoid doing anything at all in the heat of the day, or on those days of warmer temps/higher humidity.

Glad you are making progress. Beware of over taxing yourself and creating a relapse and setback. Stay in rehab mode a little longer!

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this-- but will try here, and hoping for some COTH wisdom.
My work station ( desk, chair) at work is causing me intense pain.
While it was never entirely comfortable, now it is literally crippling me. If I am working very long, I am left limping and in so much pain I want to cry.
Recently I have been spending more time at work, rather than working off site or at home.
After carefully monitoring what I was doing when the pain came on, I isolated it to the work station. I can bike, ride, walk, all in comfort.
I called in the work place health and safety guru who did an assessment and adjusted and fiddled and did this and that.
It only made things worse.
I have a long torso and short legs in proportion to my height. I am 5’8". Due to my illness I had rapid weight loss of 20-25 pounds, which is still off. I am wondering if the weight loss changed my body shape such that what I could tolerate before is now unbearable.
I have a desk chair with a seat that digs into the back of my legs. It compresses my hamstrings, and it hurts. I think the seat is too long for my body shape. I was told to sit with a footrest. The footrest hurt my knees so bad they were stiff and painful for 24 hours. Whatever the convention body angles for work are supposed to be I guess do not work for me. I want far more open hip, leg and knee angles that the health and safety person did. I base what I want on comfort, not on a preset idea of what it SHOULD be. My desk should be higher according to me, not the guru.
If there is a saving grace, it is that I can work away from the work station a lot. It is not convenient, but it can be done.
Still there are times I need to be there.
I have sent in a new ticket to the health and safety guru, outlining my problems.
Does anyone have any experience with chair seats for the long torso-short legged among us? Or any other recommendations?
I can work seated in other locations and do not have these problems. It is very much my work station set up causing a problem.