Recovery time from Knee Replacement

I have been thrown in a total loop this morning, got a call from the Surgical People saying my TKR is booked for May 6th…:eek:

I was not expecting to get called for a couple of months yet…and am in a total tizz…They tell me if I turn down this date I will be offered one more in two months time, if I refuse that I get sent back to the surgeon, and start again…need to find out the implications of that one.

In the meantime, we close on project house, 1st May, the idea was to get that ready for single floor living by fall…by 6th May, it wont be habitable, and this house has stairs in, and would have to put a bed in family room if stairs are out for a while…

We fly to UK on July 24th, for wedding in Scottish castle that has many many steps…and is a long old flight.

And there is the fact that I was told by the judge I had a lesson with on Saturday that I have improved so much over the last few months, since she judged me in October, that she is excited to see me at shows this year…HECK I’m excited for showing this year…realistically how much time am I going to miss?

At the moment I can manage, I have good days and bad days, more good than bad maybe, I know the replacement is inevitable, and that they last a long time…just not sure I am ready to have it done in one months time…

My friend just had hers done in December and is just now starting to ride, but with pain. I don’t think she’ll be 100% for probably a couple more months. I’m sorry :frowning: The good news is her knee will be stronger than it’s been in 30 years, and pain-free.

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Bad timing, for sure. If you have a desk job, you’ll be out of work a good 6 weeks. You will probably still be using a cane part time. You’ll have about 2 weeks of not doing a whole lot, not leaving g the house, using a walker — and PT will come to you during that time. You’ll be doing stairs pretty soon, within two weeks, but it won’t be something you 'll want to do very often.

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I was originally told that the wait list was 8 to 10 months, so was expecting to get called in July, not early May…have called the surgeons office and explained I don’t want to be a problem, but I had kind of factored NOT getting an early appointment…they are looking at it…

Sigh I know it is an inevitable event, and I know everyone is different in their recovery…it helps having real life experiences to read…

Had mine replaced in late May. First two weeks are pretty bad, then it starts getting slowly better. It was 4 weeks until I could drive - had to be off the pain killers before that could happen. I went back to work after 6 weeks, but couldn’t sleep in a bed until 8 or 9 weeks post op. No riding for 90 days after surgery. I have been very fortunate that I have never had a pain problem after the first month (and even then the pain management was excellent). It’s been almost 2 years now and I ride 3 or 4 days a week, walk on the treadmill, ride my bike, etc etc with no problem. Very happy to be pain free - I honestly did not realize how bad the pain had gotten til I didn’t have it any more.

You’ve got a really full schedule for the summer - can’t imagine doing all that PLUS a TKR. Sounds like some negotiation til fall is in order!

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Stairs are doable the first week after surgery. Was back on the horse in 6 weeks. Easiest operation I have ever had - previous operations were shoulders and pelvic floor reconstruction.

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I decided to postpone, found a way to get a fall date, so it was a weight off my mind…of course a couple of hours after making the call I turned badly on it and was second guessing…

So, now to make the most of the year…

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