
Depending on your Region there may not be an Open show running concurrently with the Regionals champs show.

Region 7 (California & Nevada) does not offer that. Because they also hold their own (CDS) champs at that same show. Between the number of people qualified & competing for CDS champs plus the pairs in GAIG Regionals champs, the days are already too full for them to be able to offer Open show classes, too.

But most of them do, so unless you’re in CA, you’re probably able to sign up for a warmup class too.

Another thing to note for a champs show, is that no other rider is allowed to ride your horse during the entire show week/weekend.

Regarding no whips: In my personal experience it’s always best for me to ride the entire test-- or at least major sequences of it-- without a whip, at home. I also give up my whip pretty early in the warmup session before my class. I need to know my horse is in front of my leg without a whip, well before my ride time. I know other riders who’ll carry it throughout the entire warmup and toss it aside just seconds before entering the show arena. I did that once, and the result was not good. It’s something to experiment with well before show day as far as what works for you.

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I would plan to travel home on Sunday.
I’m old and have been going to Regionals since they began (not every year). IME, the emotional let-down after finishing your Finals ride (win, place, or none of the above) is profound. You won’t realize how much adrenaline you’ve been producing until you’re done. Unless you have a very short drive home, get a good night’s sleep before you head out.


100% this! I was stunned at my feelings when I got home. All of that work all year for a 30s victory lap - it wasn’t the celebration I had imagined. I think I got burned out. I ended up giving the boys some well deserved time off after Regionals last year. I needed a break too.
But yes, plan to spend an extra night if needed. If it’s a longer trip, maybe even plan on an extra day in front to settle. My boys are used to only 2hr trailer rides and last year we did a 4 hour ride to a new facility. They did not settle well and I was very concerned one was working himself into a colic.
Oh and you can add qualifying to your championship class which gets you a qualifying score for the next year!

Oh that’s interesting! Region 1, the CBLM Championship, is a couple of weeks separated from GAIGs and is often (always?) in a different location. I can see the pros and cons of combining them to the same time and place but that must be a lot on the show staff and volunteers.

One thing to be aware of is that there is a lot of “atmosphere” and it can get really crowded. My very good boy had a mini-meltdown at Regionals last year and we ended up scoring like 10 points below our usual scores. We definitely didn’t need a whip! Just be prepared to give your horse some extra time to settle if he needs it, even if he is normally pretty chill. Mine specialized in running sideways and doing tempi changes at First Level….hahaha. It was a good experience anyway, we worked through it by the end of the week.

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Oh that’s brilliant - I hadn’t thought of making my test(s) qualifiers for next year.
Then again, if we score a lot lower than we usually do, that might be a waste of $. :joy:

RE Two judges: The judge on the side often upsets horses who have not seen a table set at E/B. COnsider having a friend set up as a side judge to get horsey used to it. Have a table cloth ont he table as well… and flowers etc. ALso, the view from there is really different so the score is different, especially for movements along the center line. COnsider having someone video you fromthe side and see what you can improve.


Question: do you salute the judge on the side as well?

No, just the judge at C. After your ride before you exit the arena, you can thank both (or 3 or 5 or 7) on the way out but you don’t ride up to C to do so.


When do you show? I’m enjoying reading this morning and catching up on your journey!

Just a few more reminders about regionals, there are special rules outlined in DR 127 of the USEF rule book (Dressage Divison)

Under penalty of disqualification from all championship classes for the horse/rider combination, within 24 hours prior and at no time during a USEF/USDF Championship competition may any horse entered in that Championship competition be ridden by anyone other than the rider entered in the Championship competition on that horse (Exception: grooms riding on loose rein). Further, any horse entered in a Championship competition, even if entered at two levels, must be ridden by the same rider throughout the competition.

No whips either see DR 121.18 for details and exceptions

Good Luck!


Oh, yeah. I know someone who took a client’s horse to Regionals, 14 hours from home, and forgot to drop her whip when she entered the arena… a very expensive error all round.

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Not at Regionals, but at a recognized show: my guy was tense anyway, but after schooling in the competition ring was over, they set up a side judge under a tent for the actual competition. It was a complete disaster for us. So yes, try to get you and your horse used to a second judge.

However, they do want to keep to time, so if there are judges on both sides, don’t take a full tour of the arena to thank each one individually on the way out. Just the ones you happen to pass.

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I just learned the hard way that you can get eliminated for having a cellphone in your pocket even though the TD called the rule “unclear and subjective.” :confounded:

Ah thanks, I’m excited - particularly as an eventer dipping my toes into recognized dressage.

The competition is October 10-13; my division is Saturday the 12th.


I find that interpretation of the rule SO absurd. Usually I hope to have someone taking video with my phone, but without a headset on, do they think you’ll have it on vibrate and get Morse code text message patterns in time to help you? It seems totally contrary to the intent of the rule, and the rule is unclear - so eliminating for it is asinine and arbitrary.


Good luck everyone! I am skipping regionals this year and jumping back into working on the flying changes. Hopefully next year we can be ready for Third. Everything is there except those darn changes, but we are making progress!


Oh, no! I’m so sorry. All that hard work.

Yes, best of luck to all of you at Regionals. May the weather be kind, the judges fair and the footing wonderful!

A combination of a broken toe and family obligations has kept me out of the saddle more than normal this summer, so I’m out of the running this year.

I’m also at a point where I know that while we can go have fun and not embarrass ourselves, there are a lot of very good horses and riders competing and we were frankly highly unlikely to be in the ribbons. If we can keep going for another couple of years, the herd will have thinned and we might stand a better chance!


If I had to guess, dressage is collateral damage from other disciplines under the umbrella of USEF rules with the cell phone thing.

Like it would be easier in the hunter/jumper world to hide a ear bud with the “hunter hair” thing that covers their ears like they are Princess Leia from the original Star Wars movies. Or in a rail class it could help if your coach was giving instructions on the best way through traffic, has the judge been looking at you, do you need to make a point of getting in front of the judge to get noticed, etc…