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rehabbing from SI pain after injections

Over the past several months, I’ve worked with the vets to try to pin point exactly where my horse is sore. Vets think the pain is up high in the SI region. He’s been vacationing for about a month but can go back into work this weekend.

For those of you who have had horses with SI pain/injuries, what are some good exercises to incorporate, and how slowly should we get back into work?

Prior to his performance deteriorating the horse was working solidly at training level, moving towards first level. I was pregnant and stopped riding. Leaser began to jump horse a bit and he fell apart. First at the canter (got crow hoppy/lots of tail swishing), then thrashing/head shaking at the trot. We initially thought hocks (so injected them), checked teeth (floated them), chiro adjustments, time off, robaxin/bute regimen, treated for low positive chronic lyme. Most recently he had a sore stifle and vet prescribed estrone and putting him back into work. Now stifle is better but he was equally lame/not stepping under himself, which led to the SI conclusion. Just wanted to provide a little back story.

Thanks in advance. Just want to bring my guy back into work/shape slowly now that I’ve injected the SI. I now have a Back on Track sheet for him, so I’m hoping that helps him as well.

I think it can take up to a month to get the full benefit of injections. I wouldn’t do much of anything the first 2 weeks. In the past, I’ve rehabbed SI area things similarly to stifles. Lots of straight lines, long and low, mostly trot work. Ride out in a bigger area than a dressage arena if you have access. Build up to 30 mins of trotting, increasing by no more than 5 mins/week. After that you can walk and trot poles and cavaletti. Listen to your horse to decide if you need to keep trotting or if you can add in canter. If it’s something that’s been building for a while, the injections will help the pain pretty quickly, but it will take time to teach him how to use himself correctly without compensating. Collection is going to be the last thing you ask, once he’s fit dong the more stretchy work.

Ditto - very similar to a stifle rehab program.

Weeks 1-2: Start with two weeks of walking 5-6 days. If you have gently varied terrain around the farm, that’s great. It is imperative that the horse truly lift his back and engage his abs. Dropping the back stresses the SI. If you aren’t comfortable getting him going this way right from the start, set up some dressage lessons. Once you start trotting - it’s even more important.

Weeks 3-4: Add a couple minutes of trotting in long straight lines or gentle curves every other day.

Weeks 5-6: If all is going well, start trotting every day. Gradually add in cavaletti and hills once or twice per week each.

Weeks 6-12: More hills, more cavaletti, etc.

I’ve often heard it recommended that you not canter until month 4, but I know some people go faster.