My neighborhood in far northeast Scottsdale, Arizona is a quiet, secluded magnet for equestrians and we have several world-class Western breed and performance centers here. Imagine my horror when I learned that Andrea Fappani has requested a special use permit to put in a motocross track for dirt bikes on 20 acres here!
When I saw the signage for his project, I was pleased to have him coming here. Even though I’m not involved in the Quarter Horse world, he is a big name. His current facility is nearby, and we locals thought he was just moving operations.
Apparently, he’s going to stay put where he is but wants to build a motocross track, and possibly a house and an RV garage. This is a gorgeous 20 care parcel on which he enjoys AGRICULTURAL ZONING–meaning he pays less in taxes than those of us who actually keep horses on our land.
We put up with dirt roads here because we have peace, quiet, and easy access to fabulous trail riding in the Tonto National Forest. We live through draconian zoning regs that make it hard to even erect a shade for our horses. Now we have a so-called horseman who wants to cheat on his taxes and ruin the peace and air quality with screaming dirt bikes that are most likely going to leave the 20 acres and tear through our roads and private land, doing untold damage.
If any of you COTHers know this man, his family, his assistant trainers, or his clients, please speak up. This is so outrageous! He is claiming there was an existing track on the property, and is grandfathered. According to property owners adjacent to the subject parcel, this is not true. Aerial views do not show any track, at least before his graders went in and scraped everything out, and local horseback riders have used the parcel for years without ever seeing any signs of a motocross track.
I don’t like to see a person who can do this to his own neighborhood go uncensured. It’s not something a true horseman would do. I was told he said the neighbor’s horses would just have to get used to the dirtbikes. Nice, huh?